Meeting the Challenge of “Digital Earth”
- Issue 2, (1999)
Published: 1999
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.19990201
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Published: 1999 ,
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XU Guan Hua. Meeting the Challenge of “Digital Earth”. [J]. Journal of Remote Sensing (2).(1999)
The newly proposed concept “Digital Earth” was discussed in the perspective of the strategy of development of geosciences. It is pointed out that “Digital Earth” is a reasonable development of high technology from NII and NSDI
refle cting the needs for sustainable development of economy and society. On the othe rhand
as a comprehensive technique goal
the “Digital Earth” is fa cing to some challenging problems
such as the technique security and the mana gement of macro complex systems. By analyzing the national interests of China
it is concluded that to develop a “Chinese Digital Earth” or a “Digital China ” will be beneficial for the sustainable development of agriculture
the prote ction of environment
the mitigation of natural disasters
and the development of economy and technology. It is worth pointing out that to develop a “Chinese Digital Earth” or a “Digital China” is a realistic aim in technology
which results from the recent development of space technology and information technolo gy. In the turn of the centuries
one of the most important aims of Chinese ge osciences is to enhance the quality and promote the application of fundamental r esearches
in which the “Digital Earth” will play an active role. It is empha sized that at present
the most important thing is not to discuss the dogmatic c oncept of the “Digital Earth”
or to put forward the “Digital Earth” into a single research project
but to understand the “Digital Earth” as a long ter m strategy of development and handle this concept as a policy of science and tec hnology to promote the development of geosciences
informatics and the associate d industry.
Digital EarthDigital ChinaStrategy of development of sciences