Use of object-based Siamese neural network to build change detection from very high resolution remote-sensing images
- Vol. 28, Issue 2, Pages: 437-454(2024)
Published: 07 February 2024
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221627
Published: 07 February 2024 ,
刘宣广,李蒙蒙,汪小钦,张振超.2024.基于面向对象孪生神经网络的高分辨率遥感影像建筑物变化检测.遥感学报,28(2): 437-454
Liu X G,Li M M,Wang X Q and Zhang Z C. 2024. Use of object-based Siamese neural network to build change detection from very high resolution remote-sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 28(2):437-454
Building change detection is essential to many applications
such as monitoring of urban areas
land use management
and illegal building detection. It has been seen as an effective means to detect building changes from remote-sensing images.
This paper proposes an object-based Siamese neural network
labeled as Obj-SiamNet
to detect building changes from high-resolution remote-sensing images. We combine the advantages of object-based image analysis methods and Siamese neural networks to improve the geometric accuracies of detected boundaries. Moreover
we implement the Obj-SiamNet at multiple segmentation levels and automatically construct a set of fuzzy measures to fuse the obtained results at multi-levels. Furthermore
we use generative adversarial methods to generate target-like training samples from publicly available datasets and construct a relatively sufficient training dataset for the Obj-SiamNet model. Finally
we apply the proposed method into three high-resolution remote-sensing datasets
a GF-2 image-pair in Fuzhou City
and a GF2 image pair in Pucheng County
and a GF-2—GF-7 image pair in Quanzhou City. We also compare the proposed method with three other existing ones
and Siam-NestedUNet.
Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than the other three in terms of detection accuracy. (1) Compared with the detection results from single-scale segmentation
the detection results from multi-scale increases the recall rate by up to 32%
the F1-Score increases by up to 25%
and the Global Total Classification error (GTC) decreases by up to 7%. (2) When the number of available samples is limited
the adopted Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is able to generate effective target-like samples for diverting samples. Compared with the detection without using GAN-generated samples
the proposed detection increases the recall rate by up to 16%
increases the F1-Score by up to 14%
and decreases GTC by 9%. (3) Compared with other change-detection methods
the proposed method improves the detection accuracies significantly
the F1-Score increases by up to 23%
and GTC decreases by up to 9%. Moreover
the boundaries of the detected changes by the proposed method have a high consistency with that of ground truth.
We conclude that the proposed Obj-SiamNet method has a high potential for building change detection from high-resolution remote-sensing images.
change detection of remote sensingSiamese Neural Networkobject-based multi-scale analysisfuzzy sets fusiongenerative adversarial networkvery high resolution remote sensing images
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