Construction of ocean color remote sensing data processing system based on open source code: Taking HY-1C/D as an example
- Vol. 27, Issue 1, Pages: 68-78(2023)
Published: 07 January 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20235008
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Published: 07 January 2023 ,
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王道生,杜克平,陈树果,薛程,叶小敏,李忠平.2023.基于开源代码构建水色遥感数据处理系统——以HY-1C/D为例.遥感学报,27(1): 68-78
Wang D S,Du K P,Chen S G,Xue C,Ye X M and Li Z P. 2023. Construction of ocean color remote sensing data processing system based on open source code: Taking HY-1C/D as an example. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(1):68-78
China has specifically planned a series of ocean observation satellites in the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for National Civil Space Infrastructure (2015—2025) to establish a more complete three-dimensional monitoring system for the marine environment through a network from a single test satellite to a constellation. Satellite observations place high demands on the degree of quantification of ocean satellite ground data processing systems due to the influence of the atmosphere and the typically low contribution of ocean parameters at the top of the atmosphere. Since the launch of CZCS water color satellite in 1970 s
the United States has accumulated many years of experience in water color satellite data processing system. In this paper
we develop HY-1C/1D offline data processing system (OffLine-COCPS)
which realizes the whole chain from L1B data (after geometric positioning and radiometric calibration) to the production of remote sensing reflection ratio of water bodies and various water color products for HY-1C/1D Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (COCTS).Based on NASA's mature open-source SeaDAS Ocean Color Science SoftWare package and HY-1C/1D COCTS format
we develop and recompile the software package to support COCTS L1B data. Using a vector sea-air coupled radiative transfer model developed based on the successive scattering method
HY-1C/1D COCTS specific atmospheric related lookup table are generated.The results show that the independently established HY-1C/1D satellite COCTS sensor atmospheric correction related lookup table basically meets the quantitative application on a global scale. The global inversion chlorophyll products of HY-1C/1D COCTS are obtained based on statistical projection
indicating that the system can realize support for HY-1C/1D dual-satellite missions
and then the overall distribution trend is also consistent with MODIS when compared with the official MODIS chlorophyll product scatter plot released by NASA for the same period. Through this study
the extension of the domestic water color satellite sensor and the independent inversion algorithm has been successfully realized
and the atmospheric correction algorithm and other water color inversion algorithms can be extended subsequently
while more work is needed to evaluate the accuracy of atmospheric correction and the accuracy of water color inversion products.
ocean remote sensingwater color satelliteHY-1C/1Dprocessing systemSeaDAS
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