Forest fire early warning and monitoring techniques using satellite remote sensing in China
- 2020年24卷第5期 页码:511-520
纸质出版日期: 2020-05-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20209135
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纸质出版日期: 2020-05-07 ,
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覃先林,李晓彤,刘树超,刘倩,李增元.2020.中国林火卫星遥感预警监测技术研究进展.遥感学报,24(5): 511-520
Qin X L,Li X T,Liu S C,Liu Q and Li Z Y. 2020. Forest fire early warning and monitoring techniques using satellite remote sensing in China. Journal of Remote Sensing(Chinese), 24(5): 511-520[DOI:10.11834/jrs.20209135]
Four levels of stereoscopic forest fire monitoring have been established in China
ground patrol
near-ground monitoring
aviation patrol
and satellite monitoring. Forest fire remains the main forest disaster that causes loss of forest resources
threatens the safety of forest ecological environment
and results in personal injuries. This study aims to provide technical reference for the study of forest fire early warning and monitoring technology in the new period of China. The research progress
existing problems
and development trend of forest fire early warning and fire monitoring methods with satellite remote sensing technique in the past 20 years are investigated on the basis of eight fields
fuel parameter evaluation
smoke identification
active fire point monitoring
combustion dynamic monitoring of large forest fire
burned forest area identification and mapping
damage assessment of forest fire
burned forest biomass estimation
and burned vegetation recovery. The design of forest fire early warning and monitoring technology system has been discussed using the integrated information of satellite
and ground monitoring techniques to promote Chinese ecological civilization.
satellite remote sensing techniqueforest fire early warningforest fire monitoringforest fire prevention
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