Edge-perception Enhanced Segmentation Method for High-resolution Remote Sensing Image
- 2023年 页码:1-13
网络出版日期: 2023-11-16
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233098
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网络出版日期: 2023-11-16 ,
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于纯妍,李东霖,宋梅萍,于浩洋,Chein-I Chang.XXXX.边缘感知强化的高分辨遥感影像语义分割方法.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-13
YU Chunyan,LI Donglin,SONG Meiping,YU Haoyang,Chang Chein-I. XXXX. Edge-perception Enhanced Segmentation Method for High-resolution Remote Sensing Image. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-13
基于深度卷积神经网络(DCNN)的高分辨率遥感影像语义分割方法不断取得显著发展,但仍存在分割对象边缘特征提取与表达困难问题,导致受遮挡及小目标地物的边缘分割效果较差,从而影响语义分割方法整体精度。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种边缘感知强化的高分辨率遥感影像语义分割方法。首先,提出Transformer-DCNN协同机制提取遥感影像的全局自注意力特征和空间上下文信息,提炼更为精准的地物语义特征表达;然后,构建边缘和不确定点共同引导的边缘感知强化模块,从不确定点及实体边缘两个视角增强模型的边缘信息处理能力;最后,通过语义分割解码器有效利用包含边缘信息的特征编码,提高分割对象边缘预测的准确性和连续性。在Vaihingen和Potsdam数据集上的实验对比结果表明所提模型能有效处理复杂地物的边缘信息,提升分割方法的准确性,在常用的评估指标平均交并比(mIoU)和其他评估指标均有着不错的效果。与经典的UNet++分割网络相比,本文所提方法在Vaihingen 数据集的mIoU得分提高了4.57%,在Potsdam 数据集的mIoU得分提高了5.01%,平均F1得分和整体精度OA也有不同程度的提升。
Objective The semantic segmentation method for high-resolution remote sensing images based on deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) has made remarkable progress
whereas there are still problems in the extraction and expression of edge features of segmented objects. As a result
the edge segmentation effect of occluded and small target objects is unsatisfactory
which affects the overall accuracy of the semantic segmentation method. To solve the above problems
an edge-aware enhanced semantic segmentation method for high-resolution remote sensing images is proposed in this paper.Method First
we utilize the Transformer-DCNN collaborative feature extraction mechanism to extract the global self-attention features and spatial context information of remote sensing images
in this way
the proposed model makes full use of the advantages of the Transformer to extract global context information and DCNN to extract spatial local context information
respectively. Besides
the proposed model extracts more accurate ground object semantic features expression
and designs a simple but effective feature extraction fusion module to fuse the features extracted by DCNN and Transformer; Next
we construct an edge-aware enhancement module that is composed of an edge-enhanced decoder and an uncertain point-enhanced decoder
which enhances the edge information processing ability of the remote sensing image semantic segmentation model from the two perspectives including uncertain points view and entity edges view; Finally
the semantic segmentation decoder effectively employs the feature codes containing edge information to improve the accuracy and completeness of segmented object edge prediction
which guarantees that the semantic segmentation effect of remote sensing images is improved overall.Result The comparative experimental results were conducted on two public datasets
namely Potsdam and Vaihingen. In comparison to the classical Unet++ network
the method proposed in this paper demonstrates improvements of 4.57% and 5.01% in mIoU for the two datasets
respectively. Additionally
the average F1 score and overall accuracy also exhibit varying degrees of improvement. Furthermore
compared to the Transformer-based TransUNet model
our method also achieves superior results.Conclusion Enhancing the feature extraction of edge information in remote-sensing objects leads to significant improvements in both edge and overall semantic segmentation accuracy of high-resolution remote-sensing images. In this paper
the proposed edge perception enhancement module improves the ability to process edge information from two perspectives including uncertain point view and entity edge view
which effectively enhances the edge segmentation accuracy of complex terrain objects. The results in commonly used evaluation indicators demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our model.
Deep LearningRemote Sensing ImageSemantic SegmentationEdge perceptionTransformerFeature ExtractionEncoderDecoder
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