JAM-R-CNN deep learning network model for remote sensing recognition of terrace
- 2023年 页码:1-12
网络出版日期: 2023-07-20
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233126
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网络出版日期: 2023-07-20 ,
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谢君洋,林安琪,吴浩,吴紫薇,吴文斌,余强毅.XXXX.面向梯田遥感识别的JAM-R-CNN深度网络模型.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-12
XIE Junyang,LIN Anqi,WU Hao,WU Ziwei,WU Wenbin,YU Qiangyi. XXXX. JAM-R-CNN deep learning network model for remote sensing recognition of terrace. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-12
快速准确地掌握梯田的空间分布,不仅为水土保持提供重要的数据支撑,也提高了山区农业的监管水平。在利用深度学习方法进行梯田识别的过程中,形状狭长的梯田容易因卷积运算而造成漏提现象,并且在山区地物边界不清晰的复杂背景下,易产生大面积粘连的识别结果,导致最终的梯田识别精度不高。为此,本研究提出了一种面向梯田遥感识别的JAM-R-CNN深度网络模型,该模型以Mask R-CNN为基础,融合跳跃网络来维持高分辨率遥感影像的高语义信息,引入卷积注意力机制模块来加强梯田的特征表达能力,修改模型的锚框大小以适应梯田狭长的特性。在重庆市南川区的盐井梯田区域,使用国产高分二号(GF-2)卫星影像数据进行实验,结果表明,JAM-R-CNN网络模型的梯田识别结果精确率为90.81%,召回率为84.28%,F1为88.98%,IoU为83.15%。相较于经典的Mask R-CNN模型,JAM-R-CNN网络模型的梯田识别精度较高,4个评价指标依次提升了1.96%、5.26%、3.29%和5.19%。消融实验结果验证了模型改进的三个模块均对梯田识别有明显的促进作用。综上,本研究提出的JAM-R-CNN深度网络模型不仅能够有效减少梯田识别结果的粘连现象,而且明显提高了狭长型梯田的提取率,实现了梯田遥感识别整体精度的显著提升,具有较好的应用价值。
Objective Efficiently and accurately grasping the spatial distribution of terraced fields not only provides important data support for soil and water conservation
but also improves the regulatory level of agriculture in mountainous areas. In the process of using deep learning methods for terrace recognition
narrow and elongated terraces are prone to missing extraction due to convolution operations
and in complex backgrounds with unclear terrain boundaries in mountainous areas
large areas of adhesive recognition results are easily generated
which leads to low accuracy in the final terrace recognition. Therefore
in order to further achieve accurate recognition of terrace information
the urgent technical problem to be solved is how to effectively maintain the high semantic information of high-resolution remote sensing images in the convolution operation process based on the characteristics of terraces
reduce the omission of narrow and long terraces and the adhesion of recognition results.Method To address the above problems
this paper proposes a JAM-R-CNN deep learning network terrace recognition method based on very high resolution remote sensing images. This network is based on the Mask R-CNN model
integrates the jumping network to maintain the high Semantic information of high resolution remote sensing images
introduces the convolutional block attention module (CBAM) to enhance the feature expression ability of terraces
and modifies the anchor size to adapt to the narrow and long characteristics of terraces
so as to achieve the purpose of improving the terrace recognition accuracy. To test the proposed method
the part of the salt well terraces in Nanchuan District
China was selected as the study area
and used four models in the domestic GF-2 satellite image data for experiments.Result The results show that the terrace parcel map derived from the JAM-R-CNN model achieved the precision of 90.81%
recall of 84.28%
the F1 score of 88.98% and the IoU of 83.15%. Compared with the results of the Mask R-CNN
the value of the precision
F1 score and IoU in the results of the JAM-R-CNN model were increased by 1.96%
3.29% and 5.19%
indicating that the JAM-R-CNN model can better identify the terraces. Most of the terraces identified by the Unet and DeepLab v3+ are connected together
and the terraced fields with small size fail to be distinguished. The JAM-R-CNN model identifies fewer missing areas on the periphery of terraces compared to the Mask R-CNN model
and the number of missing narrow and long terraces is significantly reduced. This is the effect of three improvement parts
which further proves that the JAM-R-CNN model proposed in this article has significant improvement effect and shows superior performance in remote sensing recognition of terraces.Conclusion To sum up
the JAM-R-CNN deep learning network model proposed in this article not only effectively reduces the adhesion phenomenon of terrace recognition results
but also significantly improves the extraction rate of narrow and long terraces
achieving a significant improvement in the overall accuracy of terrace remote sensing recognition
and has good application value.
remote sensingterrace recognitionhigh resolution remote sensing imagedeep learningjump networkJAM-R-CNN
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