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Remote sensing image of large-scale cotton fields by ZY-1 satellite

The cover image is a standard false-color composite image of Anjihai Town, Shawan City, Xinjiang, China, acquired by the multispectral camera of the ZY-1 02D satellite on August 21, 2021 (Courtesy of Prof. Lifu Zhang’s research group from Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Common Application Support Platform for Land Observation Satellites of China's Civil Space Infrastructure). Shawan City is located at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains and the southern edge of the Junggar Basin, and it is one of the first counties (cities) producing high-quality cotton in China, well known as the “Shawan Model”. The cotton is flourishing right at the blossoming and boll-forming stages, presenting the bright red color in the image. The cotton fields, the snow mountains, lakes, rivers and Gobi in the image form a beautiful scene of “Advent of the Phoenix”, symbolizing the harvest of the typical Oasis agriculture, Xinjiang.