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Remote sensing image of crop harvest by GF-7 satellite


The cover image is a true-color fusion image of Qitai County, Xinjiang, China, acquired by the rear view camera of the GF-7 satellite on October 3, 2022 (Courtesy of Mr. Zheng Yuan’s China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application, Dr. Hao Yang’s Research Center of Information Technology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences). Qitai County is a major agricultural county in Xinjiang. It is located in the northeast of Xijiang, at the north foot of the Tianshan Mountains and the southeast edge of the Junggar Basin. It is rich in agricultural resources, mainly including wheat, corn, barley, sugar beet, beans, vegetables etc. The crops in the image are in the autumn harvest period. There are many kinds of crop (dark green, light green, dark brown and other colors indicate different kinds of crops, and the cropland that has been basically harvested is light yellow), showing the prospect of a bumper harvest. The image is gorgeous in autumn, just like a colorful and beautiful picture.