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封面图片为海洋一号C卫星(HY-1C)获取的黄东海区域绿潮爆发遥感监测影像图。HY-1C海岸带成像仪配置的50 m分辨率红光和近红外波段数据,可以清晰反映出海面浒苔绿潮分布态势,定量估算绿潮生物量,为黄东海浒苔绿潮灾害防控和治理提供必不可少的卫星数据支撑。海洋一号C卫星自2018年9月7日成功发射以来,已连续积累了四年多的卫星观测数据和标准遥感产品数据集,在海洋环境监测、海洋防灾减灾、海洋权益维护以及江河湖海生态环境监测中发挥了重要作用。为进一步促进我国自主海洋卫星遥感技术发展与创新,国家卫星海洋应用中心联合《遥感学报》,共同推出“海洋水色卫星遥感应用研究”专刊,共16篇文章,期待能够在数据处理方法、遥感反演模型、数据定标检验、数据行业应用、以及多源卫星数据的融合应用等方面开展深入探讨,为广大数据用户和行业管理部门提供可信的数据来源和技术支撑。



Green-tide detection image in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea by HY-1C satellite


The cover picture is the satellite inage of green-tide monitoring in theYellow Sea and the East China Sea acquired by Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) on-board HY-1C satellite. The red band and NIR band information with a 50 m resolution from the CZI could reveal the spatial distribution of the green-tide andestimate the total biomass of the green-tide in the typical coastal areas,which may provide a reasonable way of monitoring and predicting the green-tide disaster. Since thesuccessful launch of HY-1C on September 7,2018,large date sets have been collected including original data and standard products formore than four years. HY-1C satellite data have been used widely in both operational monitoring and scientific research, displaysing the excellent performance and consistent ability in time series. For the further developments of RS techniques in oceans and inland waters of applications,the special issue of Ocean Water Color Satellite Remote Sensing Application has been motivated by both NSOAS and the EditorialOffice of National of Remote Sensing Bulletin.Provideing credible satellite data and service to all related data users and government affiliations is the goal.