封面图片是可持续发展科学卫星1号(SDGSAT-1) 热红外成像仪于 2023 年1月 8 日在北喀拉海获取的 8-10.5 um 波段伪彩色影像其中海冰和水间水道分布清断可见,影像右下方的海冰较为完整,影像中间的海冰逐渐破碎,表面温度呈现出显著的空间变化,海冰断烈后形成的梨锋称为冰间水道,其中覆盖着“温暖”的海水或冰,在影像中呈现出黄色和红色特征,SDGSAT-1 卫星于 2021年 11月5日成功发射,是全球首颗专门服务于联合国 2030 年可持续发展议程的科学卫星,其热红外成像仪空间分辨率为 30 m,将冰间水道热外遥感的空间分辨率提升了一个数量级,为极地海冰消退和气候变化相关研究提供重要的数据支撑。
The sea ice remote sensing image of the SDGSAT-1 in the Kara Sea of Arctic
The cover image shows a thermal infrared remote sensing scene from Band 1 (8-10.5 um) of the Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (TIS)onboard the Sustainable Development cience Satellite 1 (SDGSAT-1), acquired from the Kara Sea in the Arctic on January 8, 2023. Thanksto the high resolution of 30 m, the sea ice and sea ice leads are clearly observable. The image shows unbroken sea ice towards the botomight, while the middle and upper left portions highlight gradual breaking up of sea ice, characterized by significant variations in surfaceemperature. Sea ice leads are elongated fractures of broken sea ice, covered by warmer sea water or thin ice, presenting vellow andred features in the infrared image. The SDGSAT-1 is the first satelite customized for the United Nations 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment. which was launched on November 5,2021. With the 30 m reolution imaging capability of Ti, the spatial resolution of sea iceead observations based on thermal infrared remote sensing improves from scales of hundred meters to tens of meters. lt is expected thatthe SDGSAT-1 can provide crucial scientific data support for research focused onsea ice retreat and climate changes in the polar regions.