Remote sensing on-orbit calibratioin and ground-based validation
The cover picture is a schematic diagram of remote sensing on-orbit calibration and ground-based validation. In this picture, the basic ideas of multi-route remote sensing on-orbit calibration and ground-based validation are illustrated: Based on ground calibration sites (which require homogeneous land surface, dry and clean atmosphere) and validation sites (which require diverse land covers), synchronous/quasi-synchronous surface/atmosphere key parameters are measured during satellite overpassing through reference senors or measuring equipment which on-board multiple platforms at different heights (such as ground shelf, observing tower, UAV, aircraft, high-altitude scientific balloon and satellite), then after considering atmospheirc radiative transfer and scaling effect, the pixel “true value” of the to-be-calibrated sensor or the to-be-validated product will be obtained, so as to monitor sensor performance variation of the satellite or conduct validation for the remote sensing product, thus guaranteeing accuracy and consistency of the remote sensing satellite product and supporting the quantitative applications of aerospace remote sensing data. The 15 papers in this special issue present the latest research achievements in the field of remote sensing on-orbit calibration and ground-based validation.