Spectral unmixing method considering endmember variability of vegetation
- 2023年27卷第2期 页码:456-470
纸质出版日期: 2023-02-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210464
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纸质出版日期: 2023-02-07 ,
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韦钦桦,罗文斐,唐凯丰.2023.考虑植被端元变异性的光谱解混方法.遥感学报,27(2): 456-470
Wei Q H,Luo W F and Tang K F. 2023. Spectral unmixing method considering endmember variability of vegetation. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(2):456-470
As ground features are affected by various factors
the problem of endmember variability will occur. Endmember variability greatly affects the accuracy of spectral unmixing results. This study is based on the vegetation-soil binary scene
and spectral unmixing is performed under the framework of NMF (Nonnegative Matrix Factorization). The PROSAIL model is used to describe the variability of vegetation endmembers from the mechanism so that the results of spectral unmixing have clear physical meaning. To improve efficiency
we set up two neural networks for model calculation and model inversion. In this way
the spectral unmixing algorithm can obtain the endmembers of the vegetation pixel by pixel
which can more accurately describe the variability of the vegetation endmember.
In addition
there is diversity in the spatial resolution of remote sensing data products. The problem of the scale effect is widespread and is a key issue in the field of remote sensing. Analysis of the reason is largely due to the mixed pixels that universally exist. The method studied in this paper describes the variability in the vegetation endmember. A spectral unmixing algorithm that can describe the variability of vegetation endmembers pixel by pixel is obtained. This result can be used to invert vegetation parameters. Therefore
this study attempts to correct the scale effect of remote sensing products by considering the spectral unmixing method of vegetation endmember variability.
This paper takes the LAI scale effect as an example. The effectiveness of the method is verified by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) image experiment. Three subimages were selected
and then they were resampled to two different levels of spatial resolution for experimentation. Among them
exponential function fitting is performed through the simulated spectrum of the PROSAIL model
and the relationship model is constructed to invert the LAI. The experimental results show that (1) the spectral unmixing method that uses the PROSAIL model to describe the variability of vegetation endmembers can obtain higher unmixing accuracy; (2) after using this spectral unmixing method
the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the LAI scale effect is significantly reduced
and it has a certain effect on the correction of the LAI scale effect. This can improve the remote sensing scale effect problem to a certain extent.
In summary
the spectral unmixing method has a certain effect on the correction of LAI scale differences and can improve the problem of the remote sensing scale effect to a certain extent. However
the research has the following issues that need further consideration: (1) This article only considers the vegetation-soil binary scene
but this method has not verified the multiple endmember scene. (2) The variability of soil and other background endmembers can be further considered. (3) The model can be further optimized to reduce the difference between the PROSAIL model spectrum and the real image spectrum
thereby improving the accuracy of unmixing. (4) In this paper
the evaluation is carried out by the method of upscaling. In the future
more complicated practical factors can be considered for evaluation. Simultaneously
real images collected at different flight altitudes can also be used for evaluation.
remote sensingspectral unmixingendmember variabilityPROSAIL modelLeaf Area Indexneural networkscale effect
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