Point cloud benchmark dataset WHU-TLS and WHU-MLS for deep learning
- 2021年25卷第1期 页码:231-240
纸质出版日期: 2021-01-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210542
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纸质出版日期: 2021-01-07 ,
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杨必胜,韩旭,董震.2021.点云深度学习基准数据集.遥感学报,25(1): 231-240
Yang B S,Han X and Dong Z. 2021. Point cloud benchmark dataset WHU-TLS and WHU-MLS for deep learning. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):231-240
This paper aims to elaborate two large-scale point cloud benchmark datasets
for deep learning purposes. The benchmark of the Whu-TLS data set comprises 115 scans and over 1740 million 3D points collected from 11 different environments (i.e.
subway station
high-speed railway platform
heritage building
underground excavation
and tunnel environments) with variations in the point density
and occlusion. The aims of the proposed benchmark are to facilitate better comparisons and provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different registration approaches based on a common standard.
The ground-truth transformations and registration graphs are also provided to allow researchers to evaluate their registration solutions and for environmental modeling. In addition
the Whu-TLS data set provides suitable data for applications in safe railway operation
river surveys and regulation
forest structure assessment
cultural heritage conservation
landslide monitoring
and underground asset management. WHU-MLS benchmark dataset includes more than 30 kinds of objects and 5000 typical instances in urban scene. We manually labeled MLS point cloud
each point with spatial coordinates and normal. We totally labeled 40 scenes with average number of points 8 million
of which 30 scenes are split for training and 10 scenes for testing.
The coarse and fine categories are defined as follows. The Construction: building (including the building façade and other clutters in the building)
fence (including isolation structure on the road and wall); Natural: trees
low vegetation
including grass
shrub and other low tree; Ground: driveway (not including road mark)
non-drive way
the ground that does not belong to the driveway
road markings; Dynamic: person (including person and bikes)
car; Pole: light
electric pole
municipal pole
signal light
board (usually attached to the light). The semantic labeling and instance labeling in WHU-MLS provide important references for point cloud deep learning. On the one hand
these datasets can be used for point cloud deep learning networks the training
and evaluation of point cloud deep learning networks. On the other hand
the benchmark datasets would can promote the benchmarking of state-of-the-art algorithms in this field
and ensure better comparisons on a common base. WHU-TLS and WHU-MLS are freely available can be used freely for scientific research. We hope that the Whu-TLS and Whu-MLS benchmark data sets meet the needs of the research community and becomes important data sets for the development of cutting-edge TLS point cloud registration and point cloud segmentation methods.
remote sensingdeep learningregistrationsemantic segmentationinstance segmentationbenchmark
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