Basic issues and research directions of the digital restoration of the Great Wall
- 2021年25卷第12期 页码:2365-2380
纸质出版日期: 2021-12-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211183
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纸质出版日期: 2021-12-07 ,
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李宗飞,董友强,侯妙乐,王坚,信泰琦.2021.长城数字化修复的基本问题与研究方向.遥感学报,25(12): 2365-2380
Li Z F,Dong Y Q,Hou M L,Wang J and Xin T Q. 2021. Basic issues and research directions of the digital restoration of the Great Wall. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(12):2365-2380
Digitization is one of the most important means of spreading heritage values. Nowadays
as one of the symbols of ancient civilization
the Great Wall of China has a great and irreplaceable historical research value
especially in military architecture
and art. In the long-term development of the digital protection of cultural heritage
people have been paying more attention to the digital restoration of movable cultural relics
such as artifacts
and immovable cultural relics
including large Buddhist shrines and murals. However
studies on the digital restoration of the Great Wall ruins remain scant.
On the basis of the value demand of the Great Wall protection and the research foundation of digital restoration
this study argues that authentic evidence is the key factor affecting scientific restoration and puts forward the criterion that the digital restoration of the Great Wall should be consistent with the “original appearance” and “authenticity” of the Great Wall. This paper summarizes the basic concepts of the digital restoration of the Great Wall and puts forward the general ideas of the Great Wall digital restoration in terms of domain knowledge
evidence transformation
evidence fusion
semantic modeling to knowledge service. This paper also discusses the three basic problems of the digital restoration of the Great Wall
the cognition of the Great Wall
data collection
evidence conversion
and the concept and implementation of restoration. Aiming at these basic problems
three research directions are proposed
that is
knowledge construction in the field of Great Wall digital restoration
key technologies of digital restoration
and knowledge service. The construction of the knowledge of the Great Wall deepens the cognitive category of the Great Wall. The key technologies are the implementation of spatial geographic information 3S technology
deep learning
and semantic modeling. The knowledge service of the digital restoration of the Great Wall can provide services for the sustainable preventive protection of the Great Wall
and the public. Finally
taking Nine Eyes Watchtower an example
the restoration results under the framework of digital restoration are introduced.
The results of the digital restoration of the Great Wall are not absolute. Its greatest advantage is that it can accept the public's judgment and the emergence of new evidence at any time
rendering the digital restoration of the Great Wall as a dynamic and open research process. The significance lies in the integration of multi-disciplinary advantages
showing the restoration process of the Great Wall to different groups
such as departments
experts and scholars
and the public; Furthermore
from the perspective of the protection of the Great Wall
digital restoration is a supplement to the strategy of “original site protection and original state protection
” respecting physical protection and giving full play to the advantages of digital means. The digital restoration framework can not only provide a scientific
and feasible scheme for the digital restoration of the Great Wall
but also provide a new reference for the restoration of other ancient sites.
the Great Wallremote sensingmulti-source dataevidencesemanticdigital restoration frameworkthe Nine Eyes Watchtower
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