Multi-information supervision in optical remote sensing images
- 2023年27卷第12期 页码:2726-2735
纸质出版日期: 2023-12-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211564
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纸质出版日期: 2023-12-07 ,
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王家宝,程塨,谢星星,姚艳清,韩军伟.2023.多元信息监督的遥感图像有向目标检测.遥感学报,27(12): 2726-2735
Wang J B,Cheng G,Xie X X,Yao Y Q and Han J W. 2023. Multi-information supervision in optical remote sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(12):2726-2735
遥感图像有向目标检测是遥感图像解译中的一项基础任务,在许多领域有着广泛的应用。由于遥感图像目标尺度差异性大、方向任意且紧密排列,传统目标检测所使用的水平框无法准确的定位目标。因此,遥感图像有向目标检测成为目前遥感领域的研究热点。受益于深度学习的发展,遥感图像有向目标检测取得了突破性进展,但是大多数方法仅在检测头部加入角度预测参数,在训练过程中没有充分利用角度信息和语义信息。本文提出了一种多元信息监督的遥感图像有向目标检测方法。首先,在感兴趣区域提取阶段利用角度信息监督网络学习目标方向,从而使网络第一阶段生成更加贴近遥感图像目标的有向候选区域。其次,为了充分利用图像语义信息,本文在网络第二阶段增加语义分支,并使用图像语义标签进行监督学习。本文以Faster R-CNN OBB为基准,在DOTA数据集上验证所提方法的有效性。本文方法相比基准,平均精度(mAP)提升了2.8%,最终的检测精度(mAP)达到74.6%。
Oriented object detection is a basic task in the interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images. Compared with general detectors
oriented detectors can locate instances with oriented bounding boxes
which are consistent with arbitrary-oriented ground truths in remote sensing images. Currently
oriented object detection has greatly progressed with the development of the convolutional neural network. However
this task is still challenging because of the extreme variation in object scales and arbitrary orientations. Most oriented detectors are evolved from horizontal detectors. They first generate horizontal proposals using the Region Proposal Network (RPN). Then
they classify these proposals into different categories and transform them into oriented bounding boxes. Despite their success
these detectors exploit only the annotations at the end of the network and do not fully utilize the angle and semantic information.
This work proposes an Angle-based Region Proposal Network (ARPN)
which learns the angle of objects and generates oriented proposals. The structure of ARPN is the same as that of RPN. However
for each proposal
instead of outputting four parameters for regression
ARPN generates five parameters
which are the center (
shape (
and angle (
). In the training
we first assign anchors with ground truths by the Intersection of Unions. Then
we directly supervise the ARPN with the shape and angle information of ground truths. We also propose a semantic branch to output image semantic results for utilizing the advantage of the semantic information. The semantic branch consists of two convolutional layers and is parallel with the detection head. We first assign objects to different scale levels according to their areas. Then
we create semantic labels in each scale and use them to supervise the semantic branch. With the semantic information supervision
the model will learn translation-variant features and improve accuracy. Moreover
the outputs of the semantic branch indicate the objectness in each place
which can filter out false positives of final predictions.
We conduct comprehensive experiments on the DOTA dataset to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In the data preparation
we first crop original images into 1024×1024 patches with the stride of 824. Compared with the baseline
the ARPN achieves a 2.2% increase in mAP
while the semantic branch contributes an additional 0.8% improvement in mAP. Finally
we combine both methods and achieve a 74.64% mAP
which is competitive with those obtained by other oriented object detectors. We visualize some results on the DOTA dataset. The results show that our method is highly effective for small objects and densely packed objects.
We proposed ARPN and the semantic branch to utilize the multi-information in remote sensing images. The ARPN can directly generate oriented proposals
which can lead to better recall of oriented objects. The semantic branch increases the translation-variant property of the features. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method
which achieves a 74.64% mAP on the DOTA dataset. In the future works
we will focus on the model efficiency and the inference speed.
object detectionoriented object detectionregion proposal generationmulti-informationremote sensing images
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