Combination of deep learning and vegetation index for coastal wetland mapping using GF-2 remote sensing images
- 2023年27卷第6期 页码:1376-1386
纸质出版日期: 2023-06-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221658
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纸质出版日期: 2023-06-07 ,
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崔宾阁,吴景,李心慧,任广波,路燕.2023.结合深度学习和植被指数的滨海湿地高分二号遥感影像信息提取.遥感学报,27(6): 1376-1386
Cui B G,Wu J,Li X H,Ren G B and Lu Y. 2023. Combination of deep learning and vegetation index for coastal wetland mapping using GF-2 remote sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(6):1376-1386
The biomass and growth of coastal wetland vegetation vary greatly due to different water and salt conditions in the growing area
and the spectral features of certain vegetation at the peak biomass are highly similar
making it easy for coastal wetland vegetation to be misclassified. In response to this problem
this study proposes a new semantic segmentation network called MFVNet to be combined with vegetation index for the fine mapping of coastal wetlands.
In the proposed MFVNet
an Enhanced Multiscale Feature Extraction (E-MFE) module was first constructed on the basis of atrous convolution and attention mechanism to capture features of different scales adaptively. Then
the E-MFE module was used to replace the double convolution operations in traditional encoder-decoder network architecture
such as UNet. It was also used to merge the semantic features and detailed features of different resolutions to enhance feature representation. Finally
some typical vegetation indices were selected and input into the proposed MFVNet to improve the ability of coastal wetland fine mapping.
The experiments of this study were conducted using GF-2 remote sensing images to study the coastal wetlands of the Yellow River Estuary. Experimental results indicated that the proposed MFVNet achieved good performance with an overall accuracy of 93.89% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.9072. On typical vegetation
such as reeds
spartina alterniflora
tamarix mixed area
and seagrass beds in the Yellow River Estuary
the F1 scores of MFVNet were 0.91
and 0.76
which were better than that of other methods. Moreover
ablation experiments showed that the combination of the E-MFE module and the vegetation index can increase the overall accuracy from 91.46% to 93.89%.
(1) Compared with deep semantic segmentation networks
such as HRNet
MFVNet can more effectively extract vegetation information of coastal wetlands. (2) The proposed EMFE module can adaptively capture features of different scales and improve the overall accuracy
which justified its effectiveness in coastal wetland mapping. (3) The inclusion of vegetation index can enhance the spectral features of coastal wetland vegetation and improve the accuracy of vegetation information extraction
indicating the importance of vegetation index in coastal wetland mapping. (4) Simultaneously splicing modified soil adjusted vegetation index
difference vegetation index
and ratio vegetation index in remote sensing images contributed the most to the extraction of coastal wetland information.
remote sensingcoastal wetland information extractionGF-2deep convolutional neural networkMFVNet modelvegetation index
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