Remote sensing monitoring and transport path analysis of an intense dust weather in northern China in 2021
- 2023年27卷第8期 页码:1821-1833
纸质出版日期: 2023-08-07
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232153
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纸质出版日期: 2023-08-07 ,
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叶洽,郑小慎,赵尚玉.2023.2021年中国北部特大沙尘天气的遥感监测与路径分析.遥感学报,27(8): 1821-1833
Ye Q,Zheng X S and Zhao S Y. 2023. Monitoring and transport path analysis of an intense dust weather process in 2021. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(8):1821-1833
浓度数据对此次沙尘天气过程进行了水平、垂直方向动态监测,并通过HYSPLIT模式前向、后向轨迹的聚类分析了沙尘的来源及传输路径,结果表明:(1)2021年3月14日至18日,中国20个省市和渤黄海近岸海域均受到沙尘影响,其中西北、华北、东北地区部分省市出现沙尘暴,华中、华东部分省市和渤黄海近岸海域受轻度沙尘天气影响。(2)14日至15日的沙尘主要源自蒙古国中部,16日至18日的沙尘则更多来自中国内蒙古中西部和新疆维吾尔自治区中部。沙尘传输路径可以分为西北路、北路、西路3支。(3)沙尘的输送高度主要为对流层低层1—3 km与对流层中高层3—10 km,高于“三北防护林”等生态环境工程的风沙拦截高度。多源卫星产品和数值模式相结合,为中国沙尘天气的预报预警以及沙尘污染的区域联防联控提供了科学参考。
Northern China was hit by a strong dust storm with unprecedented intensity and influence around the middle of March 2021. In this study
the horizontal and vertical dynamic development and the transport path of this dust event were investigated using multi-source satellite observations
concentration data
and the HYSPLIT model.
FY-4A/AGRI DST can efficiently identify dust in cloudless weather
FY-4A/AGRI IDDI-BK can semi-quantitatively characterize dust intensity
and SP-5/TROMI UVAI has the advantage of detecting dust under clouds. Therefore
in this paper
both DST and IDDI-BK were used to identify the affected area and the intensity characteristics of the dust event. UVAI data were also used to supplement the under-cloud dust information that may have been missed by DST. After obtaining the horizontal distribution characteristics
this paper continues analyzed the vertical distribution height of dust using CALIPSO VFM data. The transport path of dust was also described by using the forward- and back-trajectory analyses of the HYSPLIT model and trajectory clustering.
The severe dust storm first appeared in central Mongolia on March 14. Widespread dust storms appeared over central and western Inner Mongolia
central Gansu
northern Shaanxi
northern Shaanxi
northwestern Liaoning
and northwestern Heilongjiang on March 15. From March 16 to 18
the coverage of the extreme dust storm in northern China narrowed westward
while a strong dust storm continued to strike western Inner Mongolia and central Gansu. A huge dust storm then attacked central Xinjiang
and a light dust storm affected parts of central and east China as well as the coastal waters of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. On March 18
the dust storm disappeared.
Results show that central Mongolia is the main source of the dust storms over northern China between March 14 and 15 and that both central Xinjiang and central and western Inner Mongolia are the major contributors to the widespread dust storms that were reported from March 16 to 18. The dust transport routes are primarily separated into three branches
northwest road
west road
and north road. The dust conveyance height is mostly concentrated at 1 km—3 km and 3 km—10 km
both of which are above the dust interception height of ecological environment projects
including the Three-North Shelter Forest Program. A combination of multi-source satellite products and numerical models can provide as a scientific reference for forecasting dust storms and for the regional joint prevention of dust pollution.
dust weather processFY-4Aremote sensing monitoringdust sourcetransmission path
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