Ocean Internal Wave Detection in SAR Images by Combining Superpixel Segmentation and Saliency Features
- 2023年 页码:1-15
网络出版日期: 2023-07-03
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20232433
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网络出版日期: 2023-07-03 ,
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崔光曦,杜延磊,杨晓峰,汪胜,徐雪峰.XXXX.联合超像素分割和显著性特征的SAR海洋内波检测.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-15
CUI Guangxi,DU Yanlei,Wang sheng,XU Xuefeng,Yang Xiaofeng. XXXX. Ocean Internal Wave Detection in SAR Images by Combining Superpixel Segmentation and Saliency Features. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-15
Objective Ocean internal waves are a commonly observed catastrophic mesoscale oceanic phenomenon
which is of great attention due to its significant threat to the marine military and marine engineering. With the rapid development of science and technology
the ocean internal wave remote sensing detection method has attracted more and more attention. At present
remote sensing methods used for internal wave observation can be divided into synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
visible light
infrared by frequency band. Among them
SAR has the advantages of all-day
all-weather and high-resolution
which is especially well-suited for remote sensing investigation of oceanic internal waves with frequent cloud coverage areas. In order to achieve accurate detection of ocean internal waves using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and to solve the problem that conventional detection algorithms are susceptible to SAR speckle noise interference
this paper proposes a SAR ocean internal wave detection algorithm based on superpixel segmentation and global saliency features.Method Firstly
the SAR image is segmented into feature-uniform superpixels using the simple linear iterative clustering algorithm (SLIC). The SLIC algorithm combines neighboring pixels with similar features into superpixels. The superpixels not only enhance the continuity between the inner wave pixels
but also suppress the speckle noise interference. Then
the gradient feature
gray scale feature and spatial feature of the super-pixel are used to construct the internal wave saliency feature vector and calculate its global saliency. Based on the saliency
threshold segmentation algorithm is used to extract the internal wave superpixels. Experiments are conducted on GF-3 image and ERS-1 image
which show that the constructed internal wave saliency feature vector is beneficial to detect more internal wave stripes. Finally
the label image indicating the internal wave regions is generated according to the spectral characteristics of internal wave and used to correct the internal wave detection result in previous step.Result We carried out the detection experiment of internal wave bright stripes on five SAR images with a resolution of about 10 meters. The experimental results show that the proposed method has good detection accuracy for these five high-resolution SAR internal wave images. The average F1 score of the internal wave detection for the five scene experimental data of our method could reach 0.884
and the average false alarm rate is 0.009.Conclusion By comparing the internal wave detection results and related evaluation indexes of our method with the classical Canny operator and the deep learning U-Net method
the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed method in high-resolution SAR ocean internal wave detection are demonstrated
which is of great significance to improve the inversion accuracy of internal wave wavelength and amplitude.
Ocean internal wavesuperpixel segmentationsalient feature detectionFourier energy spectrumsynthetic aperture radar
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