Survey on unsupervised monocular depth estimation in dynamic scenes based on deep learning
- 2023年 页码:1-18
网络出版日期: 2023-11-29
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20233060
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网络出版日期: 2023-11-29 ,
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程彬彬,于英,张磊,王自全,江志鹏.XXXX.基于深度学习的无监督单目动态场景深度估计综述.遥感学报,XX(XX): 1-18
CHENG Binbin,YU Ying,ZHANG Lei,WANG Ziquan,JIANG Zhipeng. XXXX. Survey on unsupervised monocular depth estimation in dynamic scenes based on deep learning. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, XX(XX):1-18
In the real world
there are no completely static scenes. Monocular depth estimation in dynamic scenes refers to obtaining depth information of both dynamic foreground and static background from a single image
which has advantages over traditional stereo estimation methods in terms of flexibility and cost-effectiveness. It has strong research significance and broad development prospects
playing a key role in downstream tasks such as 3D reconstruction and autonomous driving. With the rapid development of deep learning technology
unsupervised learning without using real data labels has attracted the research enthusiasm of many scholars. Numerous scholars in the domestic and overseas have proposed a series of unsupervised monocular depth estimation algorithms to deal with dynamic objects in scenes
laying the research foundation for researchers in related fields. However
there has been no comprehensive analysis of the above methods. To address this issue
this paper systematically reviews and summarizes the progress of unsupervised monocular depth estimation in dynamic scenes based on deep learning.Firstly
the basic models of unsupervised monocular depth estimation based on deep learning are summarized
and how self-supervised constraints are applied between images is analyzed and explained. The basic framework diagram of unsupervised monocular depth estimation based on continuous frames is drawn. The impact of dynamic objects on images is explained from four aspects: epipolar lines
fundamental matrix estimation
and reprojection error.Secondly
commonly used datasets and evaluation metrics for monocular depth estimation research are introduced. The KITTI and Cityscapes datasets provide continuous outdoor image data
while the NYU Depth V2 dataset provides indoor dynamic scene data
which are generally used for model training. The Make3D dataset has depth data but discontinuous images
which are generally used to test the generalization ability of the model. The algorithms are quantitatively analyzed using root mean square error (
logarithmic root mean square error (
RMSE log
absolute relative error (
Abs Rel
squared relative error (
Sq Rel
and accuracies (
and the performance of classic monocular depth estimation models in dynamic scenes is compared and analyzed.Then
based on different ways of handling dynamic objects
the research directions of robust depth estimation in dynamic scenes and dynamic object tracking and depth estimation are summarized and analyzed. Dynamic objects are extracted and treated as outliers during training model to minimize their impact
training solely on static background information
which is referred to as robust depth estimation in dynamic scenes. Accurately distinguishing dynamic foreground and static background and processing the two regions separately is referred to as dynamic object tracking and depth estimation. Various algorithms for detecting and segmenting dynamic objects based on optical flow information
semantic information
and other information while estimating their motion are explained. At the same time
the advantages and disadvantages of each type of algorithm are summarized and analyzed based on commonly used evaluation criteria.Finally
the future development directions of monocular depth estimation in dynamic scenes are discussed from the aspects of network model optimization
online learning and generalization
real-time operation capability of embedded devices
and domain adaptation of unsupervised learning.
dynamic scenesmonocular depth estimationunsupervised learningdeep learning3D reconstruction
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