Morphological characteristics and remote sensing application
- Vol. 25, Issue 10, Pages: 2116-2126(2021)
Published: 07 October 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20209199
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Published: 07 October 2021 ,
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胡德勇,张亚妮,刘曼晴,于琛,曹诗颂,狄宇飞.2021.顾及城区形态特征的太阳辐射传输模型及其遥感应用.遥感学报,25(10): 2116-2126
Hu D Y,Zhang Y N,Liu M Q,Yu C,Cao S S and Di Y F. 2021. Morphological characteristics and remote sensing application. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(10):2116-2126
)表征城区下垫面形态特征,并区分太阳直接辐射、天空漫辐射以及环境辐射的不同影响,构建了城区表面太阳辐射模型USSR(Urban Surface Solar Radiation);然后,以Landsat 8可见光和近红外波段遥感数据为例,分析了USSR模型对于量化城区表面太阳辐射的应用前景。研究结论为:(1)USSR模型以天空视域因子为核心要素,清楚量化了城区表面各辐射分量,有效模拟了城区表面太阳辐射传输过程,能够较好地表达城区下垫面形态结构对入射辐射的影响;(2)将USSR模型应用于Landsat 8遥感数据可见光和近红外波段时,基于USSR模型估算得到的城区表面太阳辐射,与不考虑下垫面形态特征影响相比,前者可以较好地表达城区下垫面对入射辐射的“截留”作用;(3)USSR模型估算结果与TEB模型相比,二者具有较高的相关性,间接验证了USSR模型的可用性;(4)对USSR模型的
Accurate quantification of surface solar radiation is the basis of remote sensing inversion of reflectivity
and a research on urban surface radiation is important. The sky view factor is selected to characterize the morphological characteristics of the underlying surface of the urban area
and the Urban Surface Solar Radiation Model (USSR) is constructed. This model has distinguished the different effects of direct solar radiation
diffuse sky radiation
and environmental radiation on ground objects. The remote sensing data of Landsat 8 visible and near-infrared bands are considered the examples
and the application prospect of the USSR model for the quantification of urban surface solar radiation is analyzed. The research conclusions are as follows: (1) The USSR clearly quantifies the radiation components of urban surface based on the sky view factor (
which can effectively solve the simulation of solar radiation transfer process of urban surface and better express the influence of the morphological structure of urban underlying surface on the incident radiation. (2) When USSR is applied to the estimates of solar radiation in the visible and near-infrared bands of Landsat 8 remote sensing data
compared with the estimated values without considering the influence of the morphological characteristics of the underlying surface
the urban surface solar radiation values estimated based on the USSR model can better express the “interception” effect of urban underlying surfaces on the incident radiation. (3) Compared with the TEB model
the USSR model estimates have high correlation
which indirectly verifies the availability of the USSR model. (4) According to the sensitivity analysis of
and reflectivity of the underneath surface
the results show an increasing trend as the
value of the underlying surface increased. In general
the parameter setting value is weak and insensitive compared with the parameter
. The proposed USSR model can amend the estimation results of urban surface solar radiation and improve the reliability of estimation results
thereby expanding the application depth and breadth of urban remote sensing.
solar radiationurban surfacemorphological characteristicssky view factorunderlying surface reflectance
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