Terrestrial change detection integrating the Dynamic Ratio and the Max-difference Algorithm
- Vol. 25, Issue 6, Pages: 1338-1350(2021)
Published: 07 June 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210129
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Published: 07 June 2021 ,
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李晓东,宋开山.2021.动态变化率与最大差值相结合的陆表生态变化检测.遥感学报,25(6): 1338-1350
Li X D and Song K S. 2021. Terrestrial change detection integrating the Dynamic Ratio and the Max-difference Algorithm. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(6):1338-1350
The dynamic variation of the ecological environment
as the material basis of human breeding
directly affects people’s quality of life. The terrestrial ecosystem continuously evolves with the developing human society. The rapid and accurate extraction of land-cover change information is conducive to ecological environment protection
the scientific management of natural resources
and the maintaining the human-earth relationship.The objective of this paper is to determine how to construct the dynamic ratio method with the unified threshold to quantitatively measure the change direction
the changed region
and the change type of wetland.
On the basis of remote sensing ecological index (i.e.
and NDSI)
the change detection method was proposed to extract the max-difference in the growing season (2018) and the inter-annual dynamic change rate
respectively. The Landsat images data in 2006 and 2018 were used. The main goal is the annual significant assessment of ecological change in land-cover
the determination of the ecological change direction of land-cover
and the analysis of the transformation types of land cover. Principal component analysis was used to extract the first principal component of the monthly max-difference and inter-annual dynamic change rate. Finally
5626 samples were collected by using visual interpretation. Accuracy assessment was subsequently conducted on the result of the annual and inter-annual change detection.
(1) The dynamic ratio method is suitable for the inter-annual change detection in the study area and has higher change detection accuracy and greater stability than single-index (or band) change detection. The overall accuracy of the method is 93.8%
and the Kappa coefficient is 0.876. (2) The monthly max-difference of the ecological indexes (i.e.
and NDSI) was used to quantitatively measure the annual ecological variation in the study area. Finally
the first principal component retained 83.04% change information. Moreover
land vegetation and water have a positive contribution to the surface ecological change in the study area. The normalized difference soil index contributed negative effects to land ecological change. The dynamic change detection method does not need to set the dynamic threshold
and is more suitable for the efficient updating of land-cover types on a global scale.
The quick extracting method of change information with single-phase remote sensing image between two different times enriches remote sensing monitoring technology. Such enhancement is salient especially in the evaluation of land surface ecological factors. It also provides updated data with support for natural resource inventory at the global scale.
the change detectionthe Dynamic Ratio methodremote sensing land coverSongnen PlainNortheast China
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