On orbit extraction method of ship target in SAR images based on ultra-lightweight network
- Vol. 25, Issue 3, Pages: 765-775(2021)
Published: 07 March 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210160
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Published: 07 March 2021 ,
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李宗凌,汪路元,蒋帅,吴雨航,张庆君.2021.超轻量网络的SAR图像舰船目标在轨提取.遥感学报,25(3): 765-775
Li Z L,Wang L Y,Jiang S,Wu Y H and Zhang Q J. 2021. On orbit extraction method of ship target in SAR images based on ultra-lightweight network. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(3):765-775
The low efficiency of orbit data processing and poor effectiveness of remote sensing satellite information acquisition are problems requiring great attention. Meeting the requirements of satellites in orbit in real time and efficient extraction of the targets of interest are challenging endeavors because of their heavy dependence on data transmission and communication bandwidth.
In this paper
an efficient ship target detection algorithm based on global statistics and an ultra-lightweight suspected target identification network is designed to achieve the rapid extraction of ship targets. The traditional image processing method is used to detect the target quickly
obtain the suspected target slice
and reduce the amount of data significantly. A self-designed and improved ultra-lightweight identification network based on deep learning is then used to realize a second cycle of suspected target screening and improve the accuracy of target extraction. Much work has been done to simplify the real-time implementation of image-processing methods
such as OTSU threshold calculation
connected domain labeling
and target identification network based on deep learning. The real-time processing accuracy
hardware scale
and heat consumption of the proposed method are well balanced by reasonable optimization of the algorithm flow and calculation method and establishment of an appropriate error analysis model. The calculation cost of the algorithm is low
and the dependence of the real-time implementation of the algorithm on the performance of the hardware platform is reduced greatly
thereby ensuring the excellent overall performance of the algorithm. In particular
network pruning
weight parameter sharing
and quantization are used to reduce the network weight parameter and forward reasoning calculation storage requirements
thus improving the design of the target identification network.
GF-3 satellite data were used to test the algorithm
and experimental results showed that the accuracy of ship target extraction could be improved by 20%—98%
the computational complexity could be reduced by 90%
and the real-time performance could be improved by 50%. When the ship target extraction algorithm model was implemented in a low-power embedded circuit
the power consumption of the whole calculation circuit was less than 13 W
and the standby power consumption was less than 1.5 W; these values meet the requirements of full-time operations in orbit.
The proposed method takes into account the effectiveness of the algorithm and feasibility of in-orbit real-time processing to improve the energy efficiency ratio and target extraction performance of the system effectively. The proposed algorithm was implemented in the current satellite embedded circuit and the orbit of a new radar test satellite
and the results obtained reflect good application prospects.
ultra-lightweight networkSAR imagetarget detectiontarget identifyreal time processing on orbit
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