Retrieval of land surface parameters from geostationary satellite data: An overview of recent developments
- Vol. 25, Issue 1, Pages: 109-125(2021)
Published: 07 January 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210194
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Published: 07 January 2021 ,
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方红亮.2021.基于地球静止气象卫星的地表参数遥感研究进展.遥感学报,25(1): 109-125
Fang H L. 2021 Retrieval of land surface parameters from geostationary satellite data: An overview of recent developments. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):109-125
Since the beginning of this century
more and more attention has been given to using geostationary meteorological satellite data in the retrieval of land surface parameters. This paper gives an overview of the recent developments on the retrieval of land surface parameters from geostationary satellite data. Geostationary meteorological satellites have been developed in Europe (Meteosat)
United Sates (GOES-R)
Japan (Himawari)
and China (FY series). The geostationary satellite data volume is usually high because of the high temporal revisit frequency
which poses great challenges to data storage
parameter retrieval and product distribution. Nonetheless
each satellite program has developed a series of land surface products to support near real-time applications.
Various methods to estimate land surface parameters are described. The Meteosat SEVIRI is leading the development of land surface products
especially the unique long-term Thematic Climate Data Record (TCDR) products. The standard products include Land Surface Temperature (LST)
longwave and shortwave radiances
fraction vegetation cover
leaf area index
the fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation
and gross primary production
latent and sensible heat flux
wild fire
and snow cover. Among the standard products
the LST
and albedo are also distributed in the TCDR products. GOES-R and FY-4A are also releasing similar preliminary products
but their quality still need to be fully validated. The Himawai-8 products are still in the research stage. Further physical retrieval methods and various machine learning inversion methods can be explored to improve the accuracy of parameter inversion. It is also necessary to improve the quality of auxiliary atmospheric field data and model simulations to facilitate the land surface parameter retrieval.
Multiple geostationary satellites can be integrated to provide long-term observations and global coverage. EUMETSAT has integrated all TCDR products generated from the first-and second-generation Meteosat data
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released all GOES level-1B data since 1979. These two dataset can be used to generate long-term continuous land surface products. GOES-R and Himawari-8 data have also been combined to generate high quality top-of-atmosphere reflectance and bright temperature products
which will greatly facilitate the generation of other land surface parameters. Geostationary satellite data can also be combined with the polar orbiting satellite data in land surface parameter retrieval; however
current studies are mostly carried out on small regional scales
whereas national and global studies are relatively deficient.
Land surface parameters retrieved from geostationary satellites can be validated through comparison with concurrent ground measurements
polar orbiting satellite products and model simulations. However
simultaneous real-time surface data are lacking. On the other hand
current geostationary meteorological satellite data are in the kilometric spatial resolution and are limited for high resolution applications. With its high temporal and spatial resolutions (50 m)
the GF-4 satellite launched by China provides a great potential for high resolution land surface monitoring and is worthy of further exploration.
Future researches using geostationary satellite data to estimate land surface parameters include: (1) exploration of new techniques to improve the efficiency and accuracy of geostationary satellite data acquisition and processing; (2) integration of multiple geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data to produce long term global land surface parameters; (3) exploration of automatic field measurement methods to enhance the validation of land surface parameters derived from geostationary satellite data.
遥感静止气象卫星地表参数气候数据记录MSG SEVIRIGOES-R ABIHimawai-8 AHIFY-4A AGRI
geostationary meteorological satelliteland surface parametersClimate Data Record (CDR)MSG SEVIRIGOES-R ABIHimawai-8 AHIFY-4A AGRI
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