Glacier lake extraction and variation analysis of the Bujiagangri glacier based on the NDWI-NDSI combination threshold method
- Vol. 26, Issue 11, Pages: 2344-2353(2022)
Published: 07 November 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210205
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Published: 07 November 2022 ,
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闫斌,贾洪果,任文静,吴仁哲,黄心茹.2022.基于NDWI-NDSI组合阈值法的布加岗日冰湖提取及其变化分析.遥感学报,26(11): 2344-2353
Yan B,Jia H G,Ren W J,Wu R Z and Huang X R. 2022. Glacier lake extraction and variation analysis of the Bujiagangri glacier based on the NDWI-NDSI combination threshold method. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(11):2344-2353
自20世纪90年代以来,中国冰川在全球升温影响下处于全面加速退缩的态势。长时序的冰湖变化既能反映冰川演变过程,也可为冰湖灾害研究提供重要依据。本文提出一种基于NDWI-NDSI组合法提取冰湖的改进方法,有效增加了阈值分割法提取冰湖的适用范围,使冰湖的错分现象得到极大改善;并以1988年—2018年共16景Landsat影像为数据源,成功对布加岗日冰川的冰湖面积实施提取并对其做统计分析和时序研究。进而发现,该冰川出现冰湖数目增多(2个)、面积增大近一倍(从约2.7666 km²增加至约5.2308 km²)的现象,表明其在近30年间消融过快、退缩严重,并阐明温度变化为导致这一现象的主要因素,同时指出由冰川融水导致的部分冰湖诱发洪水、泥石流等次生灾害的可能性也极具增高。
Glaciers are precious solid freshwater resource for humans. Since the 1990s
the glaciers in China have been in accelerating trend in melting due to global warming
so as to increase the sizes of surrounding ice lakes and form new ice lakes. This may result in geological disasters because glacial lake outburst have the characteristics of suddenness
great destructiveness
short duration
and wide distribution. Hence many research work has focused on the monitoring glacial lake changes.
This study proposed an improved method to extract ice lakes based on the NDWI-NDSI combination. In this study
the NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index) was used to generate the land masks to separate the lands (foreground) and the mixed regions of land and ice (background). Then the threshold segmentation of masked NDWI was conducted in order to precisely extract the areas of glaciers. In the evaluation experiment
the ice lakes of the Bujiagangri glaciers located in the eastern section of Tanggula in southeastern Tibet were used as study region and 16 Landsat images covering the study area from 1988 to 2018 were used as test data. The experiment results indicated that the proposed method in this study can effectively extract the glaciers and reduce the misclassification compared with the methods using NDWI. By the proposed method
it can be found: (1) the area of the ice lakes has increased nearly 2 times (from about 2.7666 km² to about 5.2308 km²) due to the glacier evolution; (2) the annual increase rates of the areas of glacial lakes in this region is about 0.1230 km²/yr; (3) among the 12 glacial lakes
L-05 and L-10 glacial lakes have the largest areas (0.5—1.0 km²) and enlargement areas (0.5—1.0 km²). This indicated that the glaciers have greatly rapidly melted and severely retreated in the past 30 years
which may result in potential threats to the personal and property safety of downstream residents and Sichuan Tibet Highway (G317). Further investigations will be conducted to verify the usability of the proposed method in this study in other regions containing the glaciers with different geographic conditions.
glacierglobal warmingglacial lake changesBujiagangriglacial lake disasterNDWI-NDSI
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