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    • Dynamic ensemble algorithm of SMOTE and rotation forest for imbalanced hyperspectral remote sensing classification

    • Vol. 26, Issue 11, Pages: 2369-2381(2022)   

      Published: 07 November 2022

    • DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210216     

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  • Tong Y P,Feng W,Song Y J,Quan Y H,Huang W J,Gao L R,Zhu W T and Xing M D. 2022. Dynamic ensemble algorithm of SMOTE and rotation forest for imbalanced hyperspectral remote sensing classification. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(11):2369-2381 DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210216.
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Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University
The Second Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hebei
Key Laboratory for Satellite Mapping Technology and Applications of Ministry of Natural Resources, Nanjing University
Key Laboratory of Land, Environment and Disaster Monitoring. Ministry of Natural Resources, China University of Mining and Technology
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center