Application-oriented real-time remote sensing service technology
- Vol. 25, Issue 1, Pages: 15-24(2021)
Published: 07 January 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210260
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Published: 07 January 2021 ,
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李德仁,丁霖,邵振峰.2021.面向实时应用的遥感服务技术.遥感学报,25(1): 15-24
Li D R,Ding L and Shao Z F. 2021. Application-oriented real-time remote sensing service technology. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):15-24
The aerospace industry in China has developed rapidly over the past 40 years. Remote sensing satellites have grown and gradually developed
and this situation has formed a variety of various satellite series. The communication satellite series
navigation satellite series
Earth observation satellite series
and science and technology test satellite series constitute the current application satellite system in China
which is used in national land and resources survey
meteorological services
environmental monitoring
ocean remote sensing
and other fields. This system provides the foundation for the development of satellite applications.
At present
the satellite systems of communication
and remote sensing are separate and independent. Thus
they cannot meet the real-time
and diversified requirements in the era of big data. In addition to the application of land
surveying and mapping
geology and mining
and other industries
the government
and the public have shown a large and urgent need for satellite remote sensing navigation data and services
especially high-resolution satellite remote sensing data and services. The demand of users in different industries and fields for remote sensing data products has gradually changed from singularity and standardization to diversification and specialization; from static investigation to dynamic monitoring
and forecasting; from qualitative analysis to quantitative research; and from general application to batch business. Therefore
with the application requirements as the traction
focusing on improving the service capabilities of satellite remote sensing
the communication-navigation-remote sensing integrated space-based information service system with integrated communication
and remote sensing can be built to provide all-day
all-region application-oriented services. This system fully utilizes the benefits of satellite applications. Thus
it breaks the barriers of satellites of communication
and remote sensing.
Building a space-based information real-time service system (positioning
remote sensing
PNTRC) based on “one-satellite multitasking
multi-satellite networking
multi-network integration
and intelligent services” that integrates communication
and remote sensing
has become an important direction for the development of contemporary aerospace information technology. In the era of 5G
Internet of Things
big data and artificial intelligence
it is inevitable to study remote sensing service technologies for real-time applications in the era of 5G
Internet of Things
big data
and artificial intelligence is important to meet people’s strong demand for “fast
and flexible” remote sensing information services with the way of B2B
or B2C.
This paper first studied the real-time service capabilities of space-air-ground-sea integrated Earth observation network. Then
the real-time application service requirements of remote sensing technology (requirements for high-efficiency remote sensing services for earthquake and disaster relief
remote sensing monitoring requirements for land surface deformation
and demand for public real-world services) were elaborated. Finally
the on-orbit processing technology based on artificial intelligence was analyzed
and the trend of remote sensing technology transformed from remote sensing information to real-time services was discussed.
remote sensingspace-air-ground-sea integrated earth observation networkreal-time application servicesartificial intelligence on-orbit processing
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