A review of spatiotemporal fusion methods for remotely sensed land surface temperature
- Vol. 26, Issue 12, Pages: 2433-2450(2022)
Published: 07 December 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210294
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Published: 07 December 2022 ,
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李冉,王猛猛,张正加,胡添,刘修国.2022.遥感地表温度产品时空融合方法研究综述.遥感学报,26(12): 2433-2450
Li R,Wang M M,Zhang Z J,Hu T and Liu X G. 2022. A review of spatiotemporal fusion methods for remotely sensed land surface temperature. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(12):2433-2450
Remotely sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST) from a single source rarely has high temporal and spatial resolutions due to the sensors’ optical characteristics. Spatiotemporal fusion uses data from multiple sources to retrieve LST with high temporal frequency and spatial detail
and the spatiotemporal contradiction is disentangled in the fusion process. According to an in-depth study of spatiotemporal fusion
LST exhibits unique features distinct from other land surface variables. However
the inherent mechanism and potential application of LST spatio-temporal fusion have yet to be compiled and extensively explored. Based on the intersection between LST and spatiotemporal fusion
this work collects
and summarizes the state-of-the-art developments in LST spatio-temporal fusion. The research background
and applications of this field are systematically elaborated. In particular
the relations and differences with the ubiquitous spatiotemporal fusion technology are emphasized.
In essence
spatiotemporal fusion methods extract exquisite temporal variation of pixels from the low spatial resolution images and obtain spatial correspondence from images at various scales to predict high spatial resolution images. The spatiotemporal fusion shows great promise over homogeneous and stable land surface
but has an unsatisfactory performance over heterogeneous landscapes with unstable thermal conditions. In comparison with Land Surface Reflectance (LSR)
the spatiotemporal fusion for LST can be less sensitive to the land cover classification uncertainties because of its lower spatial resolution and lower diversity among different land types
but it is difficult to achieve using the general laws for accurate prediction due to the drastic temporal variation of LST.
After spatiotemporal fusion was successfully implemented in LSR
several studies adapted it to LST with some improvements based on the thermal characteristics. In the existing five categories of spatiotemporal fusion models based on weight and learning
Bayesian and hybrid models have been applied to LST. Among these models
the weight models are more mature
and effective
but they cannot easily capture the temporal change of LST. Furthermore
the improvement is relatively limited based on STARFM
or other classical weight models. Learning models can realize a nonlinear prediction based on the structural similarity of training data when supported by reliable network architecture and abundant training. In particular
the deep learning models have more superior ability to depict and extract the LST with weak spectral characteristics
but suitable neural networks and model parameters must be selected and optimized. Although fusion studies based on the Bayesian framework (including maximum a posterior and Bayesian maximum entropy) are relatively rare
they have shown great potential for achieving unbiased and nonlinear predictions and low-quality requirements for the initial data as LST. The hybrid models can integrate the preponderances of the above-mentioned models and acquire more flexible
and accurate prediction results compared with a single fusion model
which could be the mainstream of the future spatiotemporal fusion model.
Although the spatiotemporal fusion models are consistently developed
most of them only focus on generating fused products
with a lack of quantitative and qualitative analysis with respect to the practical applications of the fused LST products
such as agriculture and ecology. In this work
the applications in this field are divided into six aspects: land temperature
sea surface temperature
urban heat island
public health
and others
which cover the majority of remote sensing service fields. However
the breadth and depth of the application of the LST fusion products are less than those of LSR fusion products. The mutual development between theoretical research and application demand is urgently needed.
The primary impediment to the application and dissemination of spatiotemporal fusion is the data itself
as evidenced by the diversity of multi-source data
the spatial continuity of image
and the sensitivity of temperature in time series. The angular effect
unstable inversion accuracy
and dramatical diurnal variation significantly constrain their potential applications. Considering these characteristics of LST and existing defects of the spatiotemporal fusion model
this work proposed the future work prospects
such as improving LST inversion accuracy
complementing the strengths of multi-source data
employing a deep learning model
enhancing algorithm flexibility
and constructing a spatiotemporal fusion integrated procedure. The implementation of these strategies will propel the development of theoretical research and operational application of LST with the spatiotemporal fusion technology.
remote sensingland surface temperaturespatio-temporal fusiondense time seriesspatial downscaling
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