Point-based multi-scale morphological reconstruction filter
- Vol. 26, Issue 12, Pages: 2582-2593(2022)
Published: 07 December 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210314
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Published: 07 December 2022 ,
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常兵涛,陈传法,郭娇娇,武慧明,贝祎轩,李琳叶.2022.基于点的多尺度形态学重建滤波方法.遥感学报,26(12): 2582-2593
Chang B T,Chen C F,Guo J J,Wu H M,Bei Y X and Li L Y. 2022. Point-based multi-scale morphological reconstruction filter. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(12):2582-2593
针对现有机载激光雷达(LiDAR)点云滤波算法难以准确分离复杂地形中地面点与地物点问题,提出了一种基于点的多尺度形态学重建滤波方法PMMF(Point-based Multi-scale Morphological reconstruction Filter)。在初始尺度层次下,PMMF通过构建一种基于点的形态学重建对原始点云滤波,即先在掩膜点云约束下借助
Many airborne LiDAR point cloud filters have been proposed over the past decades. However
these existing filters are incapable of producing satisfactory results in complex landscapes
such as rugged slopes covered with low vegetation and discontinuous terrain. Thus
a point-based multi-scale morphological reconstruction filter (PMMF) is presented in this work to overcome these problems.
In contrast with the classical morphological filters
PMMF takes raw point cloud rather than rasterized grids as the basic processing element. First
the potential ground points are obtained by repeatedly dilating the marker point cloud with the k-neighbor structural element and adaptive elevation buffer under the limits of the mask point cloud. Thereafter
the non-ground points mixed in the potential ground points are eliminated by a terrain-adaptive slope filter. Based on the filtering results from the upper scale
PMMF increases the grid scale for selecting ground seeds on the next scale and repeats the filtering process as the upper level until the result converges. The three main contributions of the new algorithm include a point-based morphological method rather than a grid-based one to avoid information loss caused by point cloud rasterization
a multi-scale geodesic dilation with a slope-adaptive elevation buffer to select potential ground points and reduce the omission error on a steep terrain
and a terrain-adaptive slope filter to eliminate commission errors mixed in potential ground points.
PMMF was employed to filter the benchmark samples provided by ISPRS
and its results were compared with 15 filtering algorithms proposed in the last 5 years (2016—2020). Results illustrate that PMMF outperforms the other filtering methods on eight out of the 15 samples
and its average total error and Kappa coefficient were 2.71% and 91.08%
respectively. Moreover
PMMF was used to process four high-density airborne LiDAR point clouds with different terrain features
and the filtering results were compared with Progressive Morphological Filter (PMF)
Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF)
Progressive TIN Densification (PTD)
and multiresolution hierarchical filter (MHF). Results show that PMMF with an average total error of 3.24% has the best performance. The total error of PMMF is reduced by 12.0%
and 53.2% compared with those of PMF
and MHF
A large number of experimental results show that PMMF has achieved satisfactory filtering results on various terrains
and the filtering accuracy is significantly higher than those of other conventional filtering algorithms. Experimental verification shows that the three innovations proposed in this work contribute to the higher accuracy of the new algorithm and overcome the imperfection of the existing algorithms.
airborne LiDARpoint cloud filteringmorphological reconstructiongeodesic dilationadaptive slope threshold
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