Global-Local-Aware conditional random fields based building extraction for high spatial resolution remote sensing images
- Vol. 25, Issue 7, Pages: 1422-1433(2021)
Published: 07 July 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210360
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Published: 07 July 2021 ,
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朱祺琪,李真,张亚男,李佳伦,杜禹强,关庆锋,李德仁.2021.全局局部细节感知条件随机场的高分辨率遥感影像建筑物提取.遥感学报,25(7): 1422-1433
Zhu Q Q,Li Z,Zhang Y N,Li J L,Du Y Q,Guan Q F and Li D R. 2021. Global-Local-Aware conditional random fields based building extraction for high spatial resolution remote sensing images. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(7):1422-1433
Obtaining building distribution maps accurately and quickly has very important research value. For instance
it can help governments and non-governmental organizations plan urban infrastructure construction and assist disaster relief work. The Conditional Random Field (CRF) is widely used in building extraction tasks because of its flexible context information modeling and detail extraction capabilities. However
such as blurry building boundaries
still exist when the CRF is used to extract buildings from high spatial resolution remote sensing images.
This study proposed a Global-Local-Aware conditional random fields framework for building extraction. Global-Local-Aware D-LinkNet (GLD-LinkNet) is proposed to solve the boundary blur problem of unary potential in this framework. GLD-LinkNet makes up for the loss of local structural information by D-LinkNet while using multi-scale building information effectively. In addition
the segmentation priors are fused
and the label cost is introduced. The pairwise potential reflects the linear combination of the spatial relationship of neighboring pixels and the cost of the local class label. It can maintain the detailed information inside the buildings effectively. In addition
to solve the problem of spectral similarity between buildings and noise
a larger range of context information is used to fuse segmentation prior to the extraction of buildings. The framework can eliminate the influence of image noise and spectral diversity within class. Moreover
it can also keep the detailed information of ground objects and determine the clear boundaries of buildings.
Experiments were carried out on the aerial building dataset and the satellite building dataset of the WHU building datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed dilated and segmented conditional random field framework is superior to the state-of-the art methods in terms of accuracy and IOU. The model proposed in this study
which performs well for building extraction of complex scenes
can maintain the detailed information of buildings effectively. In addition
it removes the small building blocks mistakenly extracted by D-LinkNet
and the problem of blurred building boundaries has also been improved effectively.
The use of the global and local integrated D-LinkNet to model the unary potential of CRF can realize the effective combination of building features of different scales. It makes the structure of the obtained buildings more complete. Furthermore
by adding a segmentation prior to the construction of pairwise potential
a building classification map with a clean background can be obtained. The introduction of the local class label cost term also meets the high requirements of the building extraction task for the extraction of building detail information and can capture detailed information that is difficult to identify on the network. The proposed model was tested on aerial and satellite datasets
and the IoU indicators on the two datasets reach 91.72% and 89.82%
respectively. These values imply that the framework can adapt to aerial and satellite datasets.
In the future
we will further study the application of large-scale high-resolution remote sensing images in building extraction and try to combine multi-source geographic information data to extract more complete building information.
high spatial resolution remote sensing imagebuilding extractionconditional random fieldsGLD-Linknetthe class label cost
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