Three development stages of mobile geographic information system technology
- Vol. 26, Issue 12, Pages: 2399-2410(2022)
Published: 07 December 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210428
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Published: 07 December 2022 ,
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乔彦友,常原飞.2022.移动地理信息系统技术发展的3个时代.遥感学报,26(12): 2399-2410
Qiao Y Y and Chang Y F.2022.Three development stages of mobile geographic information system technology. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(12):2399-2410
The development of Mobile Geographic Information System (MGIS)
which is driven by the change of information technology
is clarified and divided into three eras in this work: embedded
mobile Internet
and intelligent Internet Of Things (IOT) era.
At the end of 1990s
with the completion of Global Positioning System (GPS) deployment in the United States
the functions related to information acquisition of desktop GIS system were transplanted to Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and other embedded devices to facilitate field data acquisition. MGIS entered the “embedded era” combined with GPS. In this period
the stand-alone version of MGIS has been successfully applied in the field data collection of land
and other industries. Although MGIS had some online functions at that time
the bandwidth of mobile network was not enough to support high-frequency network GIS services.
MGIS has gradually entered the “mobile Internet era” with the rise of 3G/4G and other broadband mobile networks and the popularity of intelligent mobile terminals (especially Android mobile phones). In this period
the core module of MGIS was translated from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to wireless communication network. The most typical applications in this era are the map APP developed by Google
and other electronic map service providers and its related location-based services APP. At this time
MGIS has extended to the entire geographic information industry chains
involving data collection
data processing
platform software
industry applications
etc. “Cloud+End” constitutes a new ecosystem of geographic information. However
due to the problems of cloud computing
such as less real-time
insufficient bandwidth
and large energy consumption
which are not conducive to data security and privacy
MGIS in this era is still in the traditional artificial ground operation stage
making real-time spatial analysis
target recognition
and other intelligent processing difficult.
The MGIS technology gradually enters the “intelligent IOT era” around 2019 with the ubiquitous development of IOT
especially the development of Computer Vision (CV)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
5G mobile communication
edge computing
and other technologies. The main technical features of this stage are intelligent
and ubiquitous GIS
and the system architecture evolves into “cloud+edge+end”. In this era
everyone is a sensor and plotter. A large number of intelligent sensors
such as cameras and radars integrated on ground mobile platforms (wearable devices
etc.) and air mobile platforms (unmanned aerial vehicles
etc.) have emerged
which can help us locate and provide holographic map information
such as acoustic-optic-magnetic information. These IOT terminals can be used as carriers of MGIS. The massive raw data of the collected images
and other data are no longer uploaded to the cloud
but are analyzed and processed in real time by AI and other technologies on the network edge devices. Only the results are transmitted to the cloud. This mode greatly reduces the pressure of network bandwidth
data center power consumption
and system delay and enhances the service response ability. Furthermore
the risk of network data leakage is greatly reduced
and user data security and privacy are protected because users no longer upload privacy or sensitive data (only stored on network edge devices).
On this basis
a new generation of MGIS is proposed
which integrates GNSS
and other information technologies. The ubiquitous
and intelligent features of this technology are analyzed
and three core technologies
including cross-platform kernel
simultaneous localization and mapping
pan-information-based high-precision navigation map
semantic map
and intelligent decision-making
are discussed. The development trend and direction are also predicted.
mobile GISartificial intelligenceUAV remote sensinginternet of thingscloud computingedge computingsmart industry
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