Review of machine learning methods for aerosol quantitative remote sensing
- Vol. 25, Issue 11, Pages: 2220-2233(2021)
Published: 07 November 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210451
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Published: 07 November 2021 ,
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陈兴峰,郑逢杰,郭丁,王莉莉,赵利民,李家国,李雷,张玉环,张凯南,奚萌,李凯涛.2021.气溶胶定量遥感的机器学习方法综述.遥感学报,25(11): 2220-2233
Chen X F,Zheng F J,Guo D,Wang L L,Zhao L M,Li J G,Li L,Zhang Y H,Zhang K N, Xi M and Li K T. 2021. Review of machine learning methods for aerosol quantitative remote sensing. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(11):2220-2233
机器学习方法近年来取得突破进展,其遥感应用从目标识别和地物分类领域,发展到定量化反演的多个领域。气溶胶定量遥感因其机理复杂,反演参数的种类和精度受到限制,机器学习为气溶胶遥感带来了新的研究和应用技术手段。本文汇总现有研究进展将气溶胶机器学习方法归纳为卫星遥感反演气溶胶光学厚度AOD(Aerosol Optical Depth)、卫星遥感反演其他气溶胶参数、卫星遥感反演颗粒物浓度(PM
Machine learning methods have made breakthroughs in recent years
and their remote sensing applications have developed from remote sensing image recognition and classification to many fields in quantitative retrievals. Owing to their complicated mechanism in quantitative aerosol remote sensing
the types and accuracy of retrieved parameters are limited. Machine learning introduces new research and application techniques to aerosol remote sensing. Existing aerosol retrieval machine learning methods are summarized into four categories: satellite aerosol optical depth remote sensing
other aerosol parameters’ satellite remote sensing
particulate matter concentration
and ground-based aerosol remote sensing. In consideration of the authors’ research
through analysis and discussion
the conditions for machine learning to be used for aerosol quantitative remote sensing are summarized as follows: (1) Physical models could not be utilized. (2) Existing models have low accuracy. (3) Existing models have low computational efficiency. From the perspective of application
relevant inputs can be used to utilize machine learning to improve retrieved product types
retrieval accuracy
and calculation efficiency. For the quantitative remote sensing research field
how to mine information from remote sensing data should also be paid attention to improve the retrieval capability. Machine learning can also feedback the understanding of remote sensing mechanisms through error analysis
such that machine learning and remote sensing mechanism research can promote each other.
aerosolquantitative remote sensingretrievalmachine learningdeep learning
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