Update of remote sensing satellite ground systemof China remote sensing satellite ground station
- Vol. 25, Issue 1, Pages: 251-266(2021)
Published: 07 January 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210457
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Published: 07 January 2021 ,
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李安,黄鹏,石璐,何国金,冯旭祥,吴业炜,张箐,马广彬,冯柯,杨进,李景山.2021.中国遥感卫星地面站卫星地面系统的发展.遥感学报,25(1): 251-266
Li A,Huang P,Shi L,He G J,Feng X X,Wu Y W,Zhang Q,Ma G B,Feng K,Yang J and Li J S. 2021. Update of remote sensing satellite ground systemof China remote sensing satellite ground station. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):251-266
Established in 1986
China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station (RSGS) is one of China’s major scientific infrastructures and an important member of the International Ground Station (IGS) Network. After more than 30 years of construction
development and operation
RSGS has developed a system that is centered around the Beijing headquarters with five ground stations located in Miyun (operation since 1986)
Kashi (since 2008)
Sanya (since 2010)
Kunming (since 2016)
and the Arctic (since 2016). Its real-time data acquisition covers all territory of China and 70% of Asia’s land areas. It is also equipped with the initial ability to acquire global earth observation data efficiently.By the continuous system development and technical improving
RSGS is currently the most compatible and expandable ground receiving system for satellite data in China. Its overall performance has achieved the international advanced standard as some indicators approach the international leading level. For example
X and Ka band downlink reception capability with bit rate up to 2×1200Mbps (in X band) and 4×1.5Gbps (in Ka band)
satellite signal tracking efficiently for high dynamics and low signal-to-noise ratio case
multiple-satellite data recording and quicklook in real time
high speed data transferring fiber link with bandwidth 200Mbps
622Mbps or 10Gbps between domestic stations and RSGS headquarter
the worldwide standard LANDSAT
SPOT and PLEIADES data processing and production system
the on-line archiving data querying/ordering and product delivery system
and the integrated ground station operation management system to monitor and manage the daily data acquisition
transferring and so on.In recent years
the number of domestic and international satellite missions
the data reception passes and successful rate
and the data processing amount are all increasing continuously. From January to September of 2020
RSGS automated the operation of 32 domestic and overseas earth observation satellites as well as China’s Space Science satellites
and the total number of data reception is 42
183 passes with the successful rate 99.8%.RSGS also made a series of technical breakthroughs
including Ka band data reception
the VCM (Variable Coding and Modulation) mode data receiving technology
satellite high speed data recording and quicklook platforms for rapid application
ultra-distance data transmission network
automatic planning for data reception operations
centralized digital 3D virtual simulation monitoring of remote sensing satellite ground station
and etc. Meanwhile
the new data and application products are provided to public
such as Earth Observation Data Sharing Plan
virtual ground station
RTU (Ready-to-Use) data service
InSAR monitoring of land subsidence nationwide
and etc. On the other hand
remote sensing applications were accomplished by the national requirements
such as flood and earthquake monitoring
forest fire investigation
and sea supervision.According to the guidance of national programme
RSGS is carrying out the research and construction of the national civil space infrastructure data receiving system project. In the future
with the enhancement of system capabilities
RSGS will continue to provide China’s earth observation with powerful quantitative support and contribute greatly to national economic development
social progress
and scientific research.
RSGSnational major science and technology infrastructuresatellite data receiving station networkground system for satellite data
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