Remote sensing knowledge graph construction and its application in typical scenarios
- Vol. 27, Issue 2, Pages: 249-266(2023)
Published: 07 February 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210469
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Published: 07 February 2023 ,
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张永军,王飞,李彦胜,欧阳松,魏东,刘晓建,孔德宇,陈瑞贤,张斌.2023.遥感知识图谱创建及其典型场景应用技术.遥感学报,27(2): 249-266
Zhang Y J,Wang F,Li Y S,Ouyang S,Wei D,Liu X J, Kong D Y,Chen R X and Zhang B. 2023. Remote sensing knowledge graph construction and its application in typical scenarios. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(2):249-266
Compared with the current powerful acquisition capabilities of remote sensing data
its intelligent processing and knowledge service capabilities are relatively lagging. The contradiction between the accumulation of massive multisource remote sensing data and the limited information island is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore
there is an urgent need for effective remote sensing domain knowledge modeling technology to assist in mining the useful information of remote sensing big data and form knowledge service capabilities. A Knowledge Graph (KG) describes the concepts and their relationships in the physical world in symbolic form. It has strong knowledge modeling and reasoning capabilities and has been successfully applied in search engines
social network analysis and other fields. Inspired by the general KGs
this paper conceives of establishing a remote sensing domain KG for the first time
which can provide support for knowledge modeling and knowledge services in the remote sensing field.
this paper reviews the development history of general KGs. Second
it discusses the technologies of constructing remote sensing KGs. Compared with general KGs
remote sensing KGs are oriented to the field of remote sensing geosciences. They have significant disciplinary characteristics and spatiotemporal graph characteristics in terms of graph nodes
graph relationships and graph reasoning. Specific performances are as follows: (1) Images are an important part of remote sensing
which play an irreplaceable role and are ignored by general KGs. (2) Remote sensing knowledge is oriented to spatial entities. In addition to semantic relationships
the description of entity relationships also requires spatial and temporal relationships. (3) Traditional logical reasoning and natural language processing learning reasoning cannot effectively deal with image entities and spatial relationships. To solve the above problems
this paper draws on the construction scheme of the general KG and related domain KG and proposes the basic construction process of the remote sensing KG.
it introduces typical geoscience application cases driven by remote sensing KGs
which include three cases: (1) Marine oil spill monitoring. Marine oil spill KG is used for oil pollution identification
cause reasoning
and spill risk assessment
etc. (2) Land cover classification. Coupling remote sensing KG reasoning and deep learning for land cover classification. Numerous experiments have proven that KG can improve the classification results. (3) Evaluation of the carrying capacity of resources and the environment and suitability of land and space development. Ontology can not only express the knowledge system of evaluation in a standardized manner but also infer the evaluation results based on the constructed knowledge. Finally
it analyzes the application status and future research directions of remote sensing KGs. This paper points out four feasible and important research directions: (1) Exploring the theories and methods of creating multimodal remote sensing KGs; (2) Cooperative update and alignment fusion of remote sensing KGs; (3) Intelligent remote sensing image classification based on remote sensing KG representation learning; and (4) Scientific decision support analysis assisted by remote sensing KGs.
the research of remote sensing KGs is conducive to better summarizing the conceptual knowledge of remote sensing
managing the new knowledge contained in remote sensing big data
and providing flexible and convenient remote sensing knowledge query and service capabilities to users in multiple fields
and it will help comprehensively improve the application capabilities of massive multisource remote sensing observation results and will play an important role in the study of global remote sensing land cover classification
climate change
international humanitarian assistance
and so on.
remote sensing knowledge graphknowledge graph applicationartificial intelligenceknowledge servicerepresentation learningdomain knowledge modeling
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