Methods, progresses, and challenges of passive microwave soil moisture spatial downscaling
- Vol. 26, Issue 9, Pages: 1699-1722(2022)
Published: 07 September 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210515
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Published: 07 September 2022 ,
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赵伟,文凤平,蔡俊飞.2022.被动微波土壤水分遥感产品空间降尺度研究:方法、进展及挑战.遥感学报,26(9): 1699-1722
Zhao W,Wen F P and Cai J F. 2022. Methods, progresses, and challenges of passive microwave soil moisture spatial downscaling. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(9):1699-1722
Soil Moisture (SM) plays an important role in the global water
and carbon cycle
and its spatial distribution is also one of the key components of global climate change. Although passive microwave remote sensing technology is the most effective way of monitoring SM distribution at global scale
these kind products are generally limited by their low spatial resolution
which further prevents them from meeting the requirements of regional applications. On this basis
spatial downscaling has gradually become an alternative way of improving the spatial resolution of passive microwave SM products and a research hotspot in the field of remote sensing. Therefore
this paper reviewed and summarized the progresses on passive microwave SM spatial downscaling in the past 20 years. In terms of the downscaling methods
they can be divided into three key categories: empirical
and physical model-based downscaling methods. The empirical downscaling method is simple and can easily achieve large-scale downscaling but lacks in physical background on the downscaling process. However
empirical methods have been widely used in passive microwave SM spatial downscaling study due to their simplicity and practicability. Physical model-based methods usually use data assimilation or/and land surface process models as the downscaling relational model. Usually
the process is complex
resulting in the low applicability of the physical model-based method
but this method can often obtain the downscaling results with good accuracy. The semi-empirical downscaling method generally can ensure the accuracy of the downscaling results and the operability of the method itself. However
the applicability of the semi-empirical method is still limited by its uncertainty related to the linking model for soil moisture expression and also some downscaling factors. Although numerous passive microwave SM spatial downscaling methods exist
the available downscaled SM products with good accuracy are limited. Currently
few passive microwave downscaling SM products are continuously produced
including the SMOS L4V5 SM product produced by BEC and the active and passive fusion SM products generated by NASA SMAP/Sentinel-1. Although the two kinds of downscaling SM products have the same spatial resolution (1 km)
both suffers from the poor spatial coverage. In general
there are still some problems and challenges should be considered for current spatial downscaling study for passive microwave SM product. Aiming at obtaining the downscaling results with high spatial resolution
good accuracy
seamless spatial coverage
and daily temporal resolution. The uncertainty in the downscaling model (the relationship between SM and the downscaling factors)
the uncertainty in the original passive microwave SM products and their incomplete spatial coverage
and the uncertainty in the downscaling factors (such as the influence from cloud cover and topography) are the issues should be well addressed. Overall
the development of the spatial downscaling study for passive microwave SM products will also provide more references and opportunities for promoting the application of SM products based on remote sensing in various fields including agro-forestry management
water resource assessment
and natural disaster monitoring.
passive microwavesoil moisturespatial downscalingempirical methodsemi-empirical methodphysical model-based method
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