New building extraction method based on semantic segmentation
- Vol. 27, Issue 11, Pages: 2593-2602(2023)
Published: 07 November 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211029
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Published: 07 November 2023 ,
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龙丽红,朱宇霆,闫敬文,刘敬瑾,王宗跃.2023.新型语义分割D-UNet的建筑物提取.遥感学报,27(11): 2593-2602
Long L H,Zhu Y T,Yan J W,Liu J J and Wang Z Y. 2023. New building extraction method based on semantic segmentation. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(11):2593-2602
Semantic segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing image has important theoretical and practical value in the field of aerial image analysis. However
the traditional segmentation methods are prone to edge blur
loss of detail information
and low resolution due to the richness of building semantics and the complexity of image background in high-resolution remote sensing images.
An end-to-end convolutional neural network called Dilated-UNet (D-UNet) is proposed to solve the problem of fuzzy boundary and information loss in high-resolution satellite image semantic segmentation. First
the U-Net network structure is improved and the multiscale dilated convolution module of four channels is expanded using the division technology. Each channel uses different convolution expansion rates to identify the multiscale semantic information for extracting richer detailed information. Second
a joint loss function of cross entropy and Dice coefficient is designed to achieve the desired segmentation effect.
The model is comprehensively evaluated and tested on the Inria aerial image dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed remote sensing image segmentation method can effectively segment urban buildings at pixel level from high-resolution remote sensing images
and the segmentation accuracy is higher and is therefore better than those of other methods.
Our proposed D-UNet can deliver automatic building segmentation from high-resolution remote sensing images with high accuracy. Thus
it is a useful tool for practical application scenarios.
remote sensing imagessemantic segmentationmultiscaledilated convolutionimage processing
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