Ground validation of land surface temperature and surface emissivity from thermal infrared remote sensing data
- Vol. 25, Issue 8, Pages: 1538-1566(2021)
Published: 07 August 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211299
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Published: 07 August 2021 ,
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朱金顺,任华忠,叶昕,曾晖,聂婧,蒋晨琛,郭金鑫.2021.热红外遥感地表温度与发射率地面验证进展.遥感学报,25(8): 1538-1566
Zhu J S,Ren H Z,Ye X,Zeng H,Nie J,Jiang C C and Guo J X. 2021. Ground validation of land surface temperature and surface emissivity from thermal infrared remote sensing data: A review. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(8):1538-1566
Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) are the direct driving force of long wave radiation and latent heat flux exchange at the surface-atmosphere interface
which are also two important parameters on surface energy budget balance and water balance at regional or global scales
its temporal and spatial variations on surface-atmosphere interface have a wide range of applications on weather forecasting
climate change
water cycle
geological exploration
forestry monitoring and the urban thermal environment research
and many other scientific fields. Remote sensing provides an effective approach to obtain LST and LSE at global scale rather than point measurements for its rather wider spatial coverage and temporal revisit convenience. The validation of quantitative retrieval on LST and LSE products is conducive to find the defects of remote sensing data processing or drawbacks on retrieval algorithms
as well as clarify the accuracy and uncertainty of the operational products
which is of great convenience for the application and popularity of these products. In this paper
firstly different definitions of LST and LSE are reviewed
and then the scientific connotation of LST and LSE which can be retrieved from thermal infrared remote sensing data and measured from in-situ experiments is explained. The theoretical background
such as radiative transfer theory and methods of LST and LSE retrieval from remote sensing data are then summarized and outlined. After that
the framework of LST and LSE validation are summarized systematically
the validation metrics of LST and LSE derived from remotes sensing data including accuracy
completeness and stability is constructed. Based on the validation framework
the methods of ground validation for LST and LSE are introduced (including directly validation and indirectly comparison)
and followed by the methods of ground measurements of LST or related auxiliary data. The method of scale conversion method from point level to pixel level for heterogeneous and non-isothermal surfaces are emphasized and analyzed
and the main error sources of LST validation and LSE validation are discussed
respectively. A summarization of the main sites or networks for the validation of LST and LSE is conducted and the spatial distribution and the main characteristics (such as heterogeneity
land cover) of the typical LST and LSE validation sites or networks are briefly analyzed. The current LST and LSE products derived from satellite remote sensing data
which utilize the abovementioned validation sites or networks are summarized to report their validation accuracy or uncertainty
and related development on validation of LST and LSE are reviewed. Finally
some problems of validation of LST and LSE are also presented
and then the future outlook and trends of validation are outlined and justified.
thermal infrared remote sensingland surface temperatureemissivityground validationverification
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