Hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing: Current status and perspectives
- Vol. 25, Issue 8, Pages: 1567-1590(2021)
Published: 07 August 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211306
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Published: 07 August 2021 ,
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吴骅,李秀娟,李召良,段四波,钱永刚.2021.高光谱热红外遥感:现状与展望.遥感学报,25(8): 1567-1590
Wu H,Li X J,Li Z L,Duan S B and Qian Y G. 2021. Hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing: Current status and perspectives. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(8):1567-1590
Hyperspectral thermal infrared data contains abundant long-wave spectral information
which can reveal radiation changes caused by the land-atmosphere coupling process more precisely and reflect the unique diagnostic characteristics of the thermal infrared spectrum. At the same time
the hyperspectral characteristics can also provide more reasonable assumptions and constraints for the ill-posed inversion of the key thermal infrared characteristic parameters. Therefore
the hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing has important research value and application prospect. Since its birth
hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing technology has developed rapidly on the basis of absorbing multispectral thermal infrared remote sensing technology
and has become an important research direction and breakthrough point of thermal infrared remote sensing research. However
there are some problems in the current hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing
such as lack of available data
traditional processing methods
limited inversion accuracies
and difficult implementation of the applications. To further clarify the research progress and existing challenges of hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing
based on the in-depth analysis of related literature
this paper sorts out the development process and hot spots of hyperspectral thermal infrared research
introduces the main hyperspectral thermal infrared sensors at home and abroad
and analyzes the current situation and problems of the atmospheric correction of hyperspectral atmospheric data
the separation of surface temperature and emissivity
and the integrated inversion of the key characteristic parameters of the land and atmosphere. Finally
the application of the relevant typical industries is summarized
and the future development direction of hyperspectral thermal infrared is prospected
so as to provide reference and help for the future research of hyperspectral thermal infrared remote sensing.
hyperspectralthermal infraredremote sensing retrievalland surface temperatureemissivityatmospheric profile
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