Deep-learning approaches for pixel-level pansharpening
- Vol. 26, Issue 12, Pages: 2411-2432(2022)
Published: 07 December 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211325
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Published: 07 December 2022 ,
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杨勇,苏昭,黄淑英,万伟国,涂伟,卢航远.2022.基于深度学习的像素级全色图像锐化研究综述.遥感学报,26(12): 2411-2432
Yang Y, Su Z, Huang S Y, Wan W G, Tu W and Lu H Y. 2022. Survey of deep-learning approaches for pixel-level pansharpening. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(12):2411-2432
全色图像锐化是遥感数据处理领域的一个基础性问题,在地物分类、目标识别等方面具有重要的研究意义和应用价值。近年来, 深度学习在自然语言处理、计算机视觉等领域取得了巨大进展, 也推动了像素级全色图像锐化技术的发展。本文提出从经典方式和协同方式两个方面对深度学习在全色图像锐化中的研究进行系统的综述,并在此基础上进行前景展望。首先,给出全色图像锐化常用的数据集和全色图像锐化的质量评价指标;接着,从经典方式与协同方式两个方面对基于深度学习的全色图像锐化最新研究成果进行分门别类的介绍,并进行算法性能的对比、分析和归纳;然后,对全色图像锐化的3个主要应用领域如地物分类、目标识别和地表变化检测进行分析;最后,本文探讨了基于深度学习的全色图像锐化的5个未来研究方向。
Pansharpening is a fundamental problem in the field of remote sensing data processing. It has important research significance and application value in ground object classification and ground surface change detection. In recent years
Deep Learning (DL) has made great progress in natural language processing
computer vision
etc. and has promoted the development of pixel-level pansharpening technology. This work presents a systematic review of the research of DL in pansharpening from two aspects (classical and collaborative approaches) and makes a prospect on this basis. First
the common datasets of pansharpening and the objective evaluation indexes of pansharpening
including reference and non-reference quality evaluation indexes
are provided. Second
the latest research results of DL-based pansharpening are introduced in two different categories from the classical and collaborative methods
and the performance of their algorithms is compared
and summarized. The classical methods mainly include AE-based pansharpening
CNN-based pansharpening
DRN-based pansharpening
and GAN-based pansharpening methods. Meanwhile
the collaborative methods mainly include DL+CS-based pansharpening
DL+MRA-based pansharpening
DL+MB-based pansharpening
DL+injection model-based pansharpening
CNN+DRN-based pansharpening
and RNN+CNN-based pansharpening methods. In the comparative analysis of the classical and collaborative methods
the common point is that the DL technology can automatically learn the advantages of complex data features and extract the feature information of the MS or PAN image (i.e.
the information that needs to be retained in the HRMS fusion image). The difference is that the structure of the classical mode is more concise
while that of the collaborative mode is more complex because it is the combination of multiple methods or frameworks. In addition
most early DL-based pansharpening methods utilized the powerful data fitting ability of the DL model and seldom paid attention to the field of pansharpening problems. With the gradual deepening of research
such as using DL methods combined with traditional pansharpening methods
this designed fusion model considers spectral and spatial distortions. Accordingly
the DL methods can further enhance the pansharpening effect. Thirdly
the three main application fields of pansharpening are analyzed
such as object classification
target recognition
and surface change detection. Finally
this work discusses the future research direction of DL-based pansharpening in combination with remote sensing knowledge to fully tap the potential of DL to obtain fused images with richer details and more natural spectra. For example
for the evaluation of pansharpening application
the performance of pansharpening in a certain application is related not only to the high quality of fusion image but also to the knowledge of a specific application field. Accordingly
the application-oriented pansharpening evaluation algorithms will be the focus of future study. Furthermore
DL-based pansharpening needs to train a large number of network parameters
resulting in a longer training time for the pansharpening model. The lightweight depth model has a smaller network capacity
lower time complexity
and lower hardware requirements. Therefore
constructing a lightweight pansharpening model is a promising future direction.
pansharpeningdeep learningclassical modecollaborative modequality evaluationremote sensing image fusion
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