Research progress and challenges of data-driven quantitative remote sensing
- Vol. 26, Issue 2, Pages: 268-285(2022)
Published: 07 February 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211410
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Published: 07 February 2022 ,
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杨倩倩,靳才溢,李同文,袁强强,沈焕锋,张良培.2022.数据驱动的定量遥感研究进展与挑战.遥感学报,26(2): 268-285
Yang Q Q,Jin C Y,Li T W,Yuan Q Q,Shen H F and Zhang L P. 2022. Research progress and challenges of data-driven quantitative remote sensing. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(2):268-285
Quantitative remote sensing is a technique for quantitatively inferring or inverting earth environmental variable from the original remote sensing observations
it is an important step to turn electromagnetic wave signals into easy-to-understand information about surface environment. Traditional quantitative remote sensing methods are mainly model-driven
emphasizing inversion through mathematical or physical models. With the development and popularization of artificial intelligence technology
data-driven methods have gradually received widespread attention. It emphasizes the use of machine learning methods to mine the information contained in remote sensing observation data to achieve the quantitative inversion of geophysical parameters. With the support of powerful computing capacity
the data-driven method has achieved gratifying achievements in many fields of quantitative remote sensing. This article systematically summarizes the principles
and applications in quantitative remote sensing field of different types of data-driven models
including regression algorithms
regularization methods
instance-based algorithms
decision tree
Bayesian methods
kernel based algorithms
genetic algorithms
ensemble learning
artificial neural network
and deep learning. Though data-driven models show satisfying retrieval performance in multiple fields
its drawbacks of ignoring the laws of physics and lack of causality have also brought resistance to its development. In this context
coupling the laws of physics and machine learning to develop an inversion framework driven by both models and data has become a new research hotspot. Some pioneering researches have already achieved delightful performance through using machine learning to assist physical models or restricting machine learning with physical laws. Using machine learning techniques to optimize the systematic basis
the sub-model
and the model parameters largely improve the performance of model-driven methods. Meanwhile
integrating physics knowledge into machine learning models through adjusting the training data
modifying the loss function
and constraining the solution space also benefit the improvement of data-driven models. However
there are still great challenges to be broken through. Physical models contain complex mechanisms and rich knowledge
current fusion of data-driven and model-driven methods are quite shallow with very limited amount of physical knowledge being used. A deeper coupling strategy is worth exploring in the future. Besides
the uncertainty
and transferability of the joint model have not been scientifically evaluated currently
to which attention should be paid. Finally
there are many cases when the training samples were very difficult to obtain
the applicability of the joint model in the case of small samples is also a problem that needs to be solved urgently. The deep
and generalizable coupling of data-driven and model-driven models is expected in the future.
remote sensingquantitative remote sensingmodel-drivendata-drivendeep learningmachine learningfusion
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