Recent advances in remote sensing of vegetation phenology: Retrieval algorithm and validation strategy
- Vol. 26, Issue 3, Pages: 431-455(2022)
Published: 07 March 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20211601
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Published: 07 March 2022 ,
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王敏钰,罗毅,张正阳,谢巧云,吴小丹,马轩龙.2022.植被物候参数遥感提取与验证方法研究进展.遥感学报,26(3): 431-455
Wang M Y,Luo Y,Zhang Z Y,Xie Q Y,Wu X D and Ma X L. 2022. Recent advances in remote sensing of vegetation phenology: Retrieval algorithm and validation strategy. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(3):431-455
In the context of climate change
vegetation phenology
as a direct manifestation of the ecosystem’s response to environmental changes
has attracted increasing attention from the academic community. Obtaining long-term
multi-scale vegetation phenology data is the basis of phenological research
and the phenological parameters obtained by satellite remote sensing have become an important indicator of terrestrial ecosystem change. Remote sensing phenological parameters play an important role in the fields of agricultural production management
ecosystem monitoring
land use type mapping
human health
and ecosystem climate change response. In this context
key scientific issues and application fields must be combined to systematically sort out the progress in remote sensing phenological parameter extraction
and product development and to predict to future development trends. First
this article discussed the development of emerging sunlight-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and vegetation optical thickness in addition to the traditional vegetation indices in phenological monitoring. Second
this paper discusses the advantages
and applicability of different time series data preprocessing and phenological metrics retrieval algorithms. Then
this article sorts out the development context of multi-source and -scale verification methods from the development of traditional phenological observations
phenological cameras
flux observations
and unmanned aerial vehicles. Meanwhile
this article introduces the development status of domestic and foreign phenology remote sensing products in recent years
with emphasis on product accuracy. Finally
this article systematically discusses the propagation of errors to the retrieved phenological metrics resulting from different aspects of data preprocessing
parameter extraction methods
and remote sensing data sources. On this basis
this article points out that future research in the field of vegetation phenology remote sensing should focus on the following: (1) better comparability between different research results should be targeted by improving the quality of remote sensing data sources and spatial and temporal consistency; (2) the subjectivity in the phenological retrieval algorithms should be reduced by developing universal algorithms; (3) the complete ground validation scheme should be established by leveraging the development in theory and method of quantitative remote sensing validation field; (4) the experience of using Chinese satellite data for monitoring vegetation phenology should be accumulated by actively extending the application of different Chinese spaceborne sensors. Through the above development
the overarching aim is to meet the demand for high-quality vegetation phenology remote sensing products in various scientific and practical applications.
remote sensingvegetation phenologygrowing seasonvegetation dynamicsecosystem parametersground validation
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