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    • Review of optical multi-angle quantitative remote sensing

    • Vol. 25, Issue 1, Pages: 83-108(2021)   

      Published: 07 January 2021

    • DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20218355     

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  • Yan G J,Jiang H L,Yan K,Cheng S Y,Song W J,Tong Y Y,Liu Y N,Qi J B,Mu X H,Zhang W M,Xie D H and Zhou H M. 2021. Review of optical multi-angle quantitative remote sensing. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(1):83-108 DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20218355.
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State Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Forest Resources and Environmental Management, Beijing Forestry University
State Key Laboratory of Romote Sensing Science, Beijing Normal University
Sichuan Dualix Spectral Image Technology Co. Ltd
School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University
Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology