Method for national fuel types classification based on multi-source data
- Vol. 26, Issue 3, Pages: 480-492(2022)
Published: 07 March 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20219208
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Published: 07 March 2022 ,
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李晓彤,刘倩,覃先林,刘树超,王崇阳.2022.基于多源数据的全国可燃物类型划分方法.遥感学报,26(3): 480-492
Li X T,Liu Q,Qin X L,Liu S C and Wang C Y. 2022. Method for national fuel types classification based on multi-source data. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(3):480-492
The rate and intensity of forest fire spread can be predicted
and forest fire prevention measures can be formulated according to the classifying results of fuel types. Accurately exploring the types and spatial distribution of fuel is crucial for predicting the occurrence of forest fires
predicting forest fire behavior
commanding fire-fighting
and biological fire prevention. At present
most researches on fuel types classification based on remote sensing in China are carried out in local areas
but research based on the national scale will become one of the trends in this field. To meet the needs of China’s national-scale fuel types mapping
a fuel type classification system was developed combined with the characteristics of vegetation distribution and phenology in Chinabased on the previous research. The fuels in China
including forest
and grass
were classified and mapped based on MODIS products and the Chinese national vegetation regionalization map using geographical spatial analysis technology. A method for national fuel types classification in forests
shrubs and grasses based on remote sensing and geospatial analysis was explored. Non-tree cover
average vegetation canopy height and area occupied by each fuel types were calculated
using the product datasets of MODIS VCF(Vegetation Continuous Fields)and forest canopy height. The classification results were validated using field survey data and other data products. The results show that the total accuracies of the classification result at levels 1
and 3 are 90.89%
and 68.16%
respectively; the Kappa coefficients of the classification result at levels 1
and 3 are 0.81
and 0.6
respectively. The national-scale fuel types
including forest
and grass
were classified and mapped by using the multi-source data and geographical spatial analysis technology. The study will provide technical support for the prevention and management of forest and grassland fire in China.
remote sensingfuel typeremote sensing classificationspatial analysis technologyMCD12Q1MOD44B
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