Convolutional neural network based single image pair method for spatiotemporal fusion
- Vol. 26, Issue 8, Pages: 1614-1623(2022)
Published: 07 August 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20219348
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Published: 07 August 2022 ,
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李云飞,李军,贺霖.2022.单样本对卷积神经网络遥感图像时空融合.遥感学报,26(8): 1614-1623
Li Y F,Li J and He L. 2022. Convolutional neural network based single image pair method for spatiotemporal fusion. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(8):1614-1623
Spatiotemporal fusion is a feasible way to provide synthetic satellite images with high spatial and high temporal resolution simultaneously. In recent years
some efficient STF methods based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been developed. However
these methods require a significant number of training image pairs
where each pair generally consists of a high spatial resolution image and a low spatial resolution image. Such a requirement limits the applicability of STF methods to actual scenarios because image pairs for training are not widely available in many cases. To overcome this important limitation
we introduce a CNN-based single image pair method for STF of remotely sensed images. Our method
called SS-CNN
uses the spatial information provided by the average image (obtained across available spectral bands) of the high spatial resolution image to perform CNN-based Super-Resolution Mapping (SRM) between the low and high spatial resolution images. The proposed SS-CNN has been tested in experiments using two simulated and one real dataset and compared with two commonly used spatiotemporal fusion methods. The experimental results show that SS-CNN can predict the phenological changes and land cover changes well. Plus
its performance in heterogeneous areas is remarkable. The disadvantage is that it will slightly blur the boundary
which needs to be further improved in the future.
remote sensingspatio-temporal fusionremote sensing imagessingle image pairConvolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
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