Land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval from airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared hyperspectral data and application
- Vol. 25, Issue 8, Pages: 1661-1670(2021)
Published: 07 August 2021
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20219392
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Published: 07 August 2021 ,
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聂婧,任华忠,郑逸童,刘洪成,朱金顺.2021.机载高光谱热红外数据的地表温度和发射率反演与应用.遥感学报,25(8): 1661-1670
Nie J,Ren H Z,Zheng Y T,Liu H C and Zhu J S. 2021. Land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval from airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared hyperspectral data and application. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 25(8):1661-1670
机载高分辨率遥感是高分对地观测的重要部分,其中高分辨率高光谱热红外数据的光谱发射率可以用于矿物识别,是对可见光遥感地物识别的有效补充。机载高光谱热红外传感器TASI(Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager)在8—11.5 μm范围内设置了32个波段,在国内外常被用于地表热辐射信息、矿产资源探测等领域。本文利用2018-10在新疆富蕴县研究区的TASI航空飞行数据,首先基于再分析大气廓线NCEP数据与MODTRAN实现了TASI高光谱热红外数据的大气校正,并在基础上发展了温度与发射率分离方法TES(Temperature and Emissivity Separation method)反演研究区地表温度与发射率,采用多波段热辐射计CE312测量的地面发射率对反演结果进行了有效验证,结果表明波长大于9.6 μm的波段的发射率误差约为0.01。最后,结合反演的TASI发射率光谱曲线,采用光谱角度匹配方法提取了研究区高岭石的空间分布。研究工作涉及的相关算法与应用成果可为星载高分辨率热红外载荷数据的应用提供了相关参考。
The spectral emissivity of high-resolution hyperspectral thermal infrared data can be used for mineral identification
and is regarded as an effective complement to optical remote sensing for land surface object recognition. Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI) has 32 bands in the wavelength range of 8—11.5 μm
and thus can provide useful information for the retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity spectrum. Therefore
TASI has been widely used in the fields of land surface thermal emission parameters estimate and mineral identification. On basis of the TASI images collected on October 2018 in Fuyun of Xinjiang province
this paper first performed atmospheric correction on the TASI image using the reanalysis atmospheric profiles from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) dataset and the MODTRAN package
and then developed a Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES) method to synchronously retrieve temperature and spectral emissivity from the surface-leaving radiance after the atmospheric correction. Ground multiple-band emissivity from the radiometer CE312 was applied for the verification of retrieved emissivity result
indicating a high accuracy of the retrieval result from TASI image
with an emissivity error about 0.01 for bands with wavelength larger than 0.96 μm. Finally
the spectral emissivity retrieved from TASI image was used to illustrate the spatial distribution of the kaolinite in the study area. It is thought that the algorithms and application results in this paper can provide an important reference for the airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared sensor in the coming future.
remote sensingairborne thermal infrared hyperspectral dataland surface temperatureThermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager (TASI)emissivity spectrummineral identification
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