New super-resolution reconstruction method based on Mixed Sparse Representations
- Vol. 26, Issue 8, Pages: 1685-1697(2022)
Published: 07 August 2022
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20219409
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Published: 07 August 2022 ,
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杨雪,李峰,鹿明,辛蕾,鲁啸天,张南.2022.混合稀疏表示模型的超分辨率重建.遥感学报,26(8): 1685-1697
Yang X,Li F,Lu M,Xin L,Lu X T and Zhang N. 2022. New super-resolution reconstruction method based on Mixed Sparse Representations. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 26(8):1685-1697
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When processing remote sensing images with complex features
the conventional Super-Resolution Reconstruction (SRR) methods are often not ideal
especially for remote sensing images containing various non-uniform object information. A universal method to solve this problem is difficult to construct at present. A new SR reconstruction method of mixed sparse representation model (MSR-SRR) combined with the sparse representation and non-convex high-order total variational regularizer has been proposed to solve this problem. In this method
the sparse representation of remote sensing images in multiple transform domains is regarded as a prior probability model
and the SR reconstruction is completed by regularization. The obtained image not only retains the edge information of the image result by SR reconstruction
but also smoothens the “ladder effect” of the image. The efficiency of operation and the quality of SR reconstruction results are improved by an effective re-weighted
alternating direction method. Results show that the sharpness of the image increases by 31.74% on the average
the half-peak width of PSFs is the largest
and the Gaussian variance value reaches 1.8415. The GF-4 satellite images have been selected to carry out validation experiment to verify the feasibility and validity of MSR-SRR. The reconstruction results show that the images using the MSR-SRR method have better definition
richer details
and higher quality than those with non-uniform interpolation
the POCS method
and IBP method. The support vector machine method is used to classify and evaluate the accuracy of the images before and after SR reconstruction. The results show that the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the reconstructed super-resolution image are improved more significantly than the original image classification results. The OA value increases by 5.96%
and the Kappa coefficient increases by 9.7%. The findings confirmed that the MSR-SRR method is effective and feasible and has extensive practical value.
remote sensingGF-4Super-Resolution Reconstruction (SRR)Mixed Sparse Representation (MSR)Total Variation (TV)Non-convex
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