Inspects and prospects of satellite remote sensing monitoring ability for land surface water in China
- Vol. 27, Issue 7, Pages: 1554-1573(2023)
Published: 07 July 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20220576
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Published: 07 July 2023 ,
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李欢,万玮,冀锐,李国元,陈晓娜,朱思宇,刘宝剑,徐玥,罗增良,王胜蕾,崔要奎.2023.中国卫星遥感地表水资源监测能力分析与展望.遥感学报,27(7): 1554-1573
Li H,Wan W,Ji R,Li G Y,Chen X N,Zhu S Y,Liu B J,Xu Y,Luo Z L,Wang S L and Cui Y K. 2023. Inspects and prospects of satellite remote sensing monitoring ability for land surface water in China. National Remote Sensing Bulletin,27(7):1554-1573
We investigate the worldwide monitoring of land surface water by satellite remote sensing and the corresponding ability of Chinese satellites for the 14th five-year plan under the general goals of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China to plan for the new generation of satellites for water resource monitoring. First
this work reviews the current status of the water resource monitoring by the Chinese and international satellites from several perspectives
including liquid surface water (water extent
water level
water volume
water temperature
and water quality)
solid surface water (glacier
and frozen ground)
and water vapor in the atmosphere. Then
the capability of land natural resources satellites for land surface water monitoring is inspected. Afterward
the ability of water resources monitoring with various types of remote sensing satellites
including optical
and gravity satellites
is summarized and analyzed. Advice and suggestions for Chinese satellite planning of water resources monitoring are proposed by concentrating on the current status and the shortage of water resource monitoring with satellite remote sensing in China. The advice and suggestions include planning the observation
and service systems. First
a new generation of cloud water resources monitoring satellites combining infrared and active/passive microwaves is recommended to be developed for the observation system. Moreover
the evolution of radar satellites should be accelerated to make up for the deficiency of optical satellites. Altimetry satellites and gravity satellites must be vigorously cultivated. Furthermore
small satellite constellations for water resources monitoring integrating satellite “communication-navigation-remote sensing” should be promoted. Advanced thermal infrared and hyperspectral satellites with strong temporal and spatial resolution are also recommended to be developed. Second
for the technique system
exploring general remote sensing data processing technologies
including data correction/splicing technology and multisensor data fusion technology
are recommended to improve the quality of domestic satellite data for operational water resources monitoring. Moreover
water resource element extraction/retrieval models must be promoted. The techniques for high-quality long-term water resource products should be also developed. Finally
for the service system
providing a dataset-sharing service of the long-term global water cycle flux and storage elements with high spatiotemporal granularity is recommended. Moreover
the overall development of Chinese satellites for water resources monitoring has started from scratch toward boosting
and these natural resource satellites have basic capabilities for water resources survey. Natural resources satellite datasets are abundant. However
nationwide long-term series of water resources data mainly based on domestically made satellites remain lacking. This gap can be improved from two perspectives.
Developing operational natural resources retrieval models from the data perspective following the scientific concept of “remote sensing big data + artificial intelligence” is necessary for timely acquisition
and providing service while ensuring the stability of satellite remote sensing data. It can realize all-time
and all-element satellite remote sensing monitoring for natural resources based on cloud services. From the satellite perspective
the next step for on-orbit satellites is to produce application-oriented operational water resource element products
combining multisource satellite data on the premise of improving satellite data quality. For satellites under planning
relevant departments should work closely to establish goals with different priorities under the guidance of scientific and application issues and full consideration of costs.
land surface water resourceswater resource monitoring by satellite remote sensingremote sensing big datasatellite plan suggestions
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