Stripe noise removal in high resolution satellite remote sensing images based on deep learning
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 610-622(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221054
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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高浩博,卜桐,李欣,陆世东,钟慧敏,崔林.2023.基于深度学习的高分辨率卫星遥感影像条带噪声去除.遥感学报,27(3): 610-622
Gao H B,Bu T,Li X,Lu S D,Zhong H M and Cui L. 2023. Stripe noise removal in high resolution satellite remote sensing images based on deep learning. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):610-622
Affected by imaging conditions
data transmission
and other factors
stripe noise is common in satellite remote sensing images. It seriously restricts the quality and further use of images. In early studies
various denoising methods
such as statistics-based methods
filtering-based methods
and optimization-based methods
have been proposed to overcome the above problems. These proposed methods have achieved inspiring results in some aspects. However
they still suffer from poor adaptability
low denoising efficiency
and the need for prior knowledge. Therefore
stripe noise removal remains a challenging task.
In this study
we take advantage of the convolutional deep network while considering the characteristics of the stripe noise image itself. A deep-learning-based method is proposed
which includes three parts: a feature extraction module
a feature fusion module
and a stripe denoising module. The feature extraction module uses the convolutional layer of the same channel with different strides to extract features. As a result
different-scale feature maps of the noisy image are obtained for the following feature fusion module. The feature fusion module upsamples different-scale feature maps. It fuses these upsampled feature maps through the element-wise addition method. Finally
a denoising network is used to predict the components of stripe noise. The stripe component is subtracted from the noise image based on predictions. Given the difficulties in obtaining real noise samples
the network is trained by simulation samples. Then
it is extended to denoise real images.
Experiments on simulation and real images show the excellent performance of our network. In the quantitative assessment
the PSNR and the SSIM of our network when simulated images are used are higher than those of the four methods. In the visual assessment
our network performs well on homogeneous and nonhomogeneous objects. Our network denoises more efficiently and retains more details of ground features than traditional methods and other denoising networks. In real noise images
our method achieves the best denoising performance with the highest ICV and the lowest MRD. Compared with traditional methods
our network has a fast denoising speed
approximately 100 times faster than the denoising speed of the optimization-based denoising method. The above experimental results demonstrate that our network has the best denoising performance in simulated and real images.
In this study
a convolutional neural network denoising method based on multiscale feature fusion is proposed based on the fully convolutional neural network. The method uses residual learning to predict the strip-noise components on images. It achieves clean images by subtracting the strip components from noisy images. Experiments demonstrate that compared with traditional methods
deep learning denoising methods are adaptive for removing stripe noise of different intensities without losing image details. The strategy of feature fusion and residual learning can effectively improve the training speed and denoising accuracy of the network. In the future
skip-connected and batch normalization layers will be included to optimize training speed and improve denoising performance. Further studies will be conducted in terms of the transfer ability of the network and the extension of its application in other types of remote sensing images
such as aerial images and hyperspectral images.
high-resolution imagedeep learningstripe noiseconvolutional neural networkfeature fusion
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