Efficient unmixing algorithm using Sinkhorn distance and graph regularization constraints
- Vol. 27, Issue 11, Pages: 2603-2616(2023)
Published: 07 November 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221126
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Published: 07 November 2023 ,
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杨露露,李春芝,陈晓华,王丽.2023.应用Sinkhorn距离和图正则约束的高效解混算法.遥感学报,27(11): 2603-2616
Yang L L,Li C Z,Chen X H and Wang L. 2023. Efficient unmixing algorithm using Sinkhorn distance and graph regularization constraints. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(11):2603-2616
Hyperspectral remote sensing technology
as a new type of earth observation technology
provides rich spectral information of features and can identify and finely classify feature targets. A single pixel in hyperspectral images contains multiple features as limited by the spatial resolution. As a result
the mixed pixels become widespread. Ultimately
the accuracy of pixel-level applications is difficult to improve. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
with its clear physical meaning
lays the foundation for the development of unsupervised linear spectral unmixing. Thus
traditional NMF often uses Euclidean distance as a similarity measure method. On the one hand
hyperspectral data have manifold distribution. Thus
simple linear measurement between two points cannot accurately represent the distance between data. This problem makes the sample internal features weakly correlated
which results in the NMF algorithm having an inaccurate prediction of the high-dimensional spatial inaccurate prediction of the translational noise in high-dimensional space. On the other hand
the objective function constructed based on this method ignores the correlation characteristics in the image space
which inhibits the performance of the algorithm.
Method Considering the correlation between data manifolds and features
this study proposes a nonnegative matrix factorization unmixing algorithm based on Sinkhorn distance and graph regularization constraint (SDGNMF). On the basis of fully exploiting the advantages of EMD
the algorithm imposes entropy regularization constraint on EMD
improves EMD to Sinkhorn distance
and takes it as the standard of measuring error
which effectively reduces the computational complexity. In addition
EMD with entropy regularization constraint
that is
the representation of the model by Sinkhorn distance
can better model the relationship between different dimensional features and fully utilize the correlation of features. In particular
this study introduces the graph regularity constraint based on the Sinkhorn distance to further characterize the manifold structure of data. Compared with the unmixing model constructed by Euclidean distance
SDGNMF is relatively insensitive to the noise in hyperspectral data and can better extract the internal structural information of the data
which improves the unmixing accuracy.
Result An experiment was conducted on simulated and real datasets. Experimental results prove that the proposed algorithm proposed has achieved excellent subspace learning results and has good robustness. Compared with several other algorithms
SDGNMF can retain the similar structure after iteration. The correlation between the endmember features is also fully considered in SDGNMF. Thus
the similar substances distributed in adjacent regions can be separated. Therefore
SDGNMF can better display the details of local abundance and obtain a more realistic and perfect abundance map.
Conclusion In general
the proposed unmixing model can overcome noise and consider the correlation of features and data manifold structure simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the unmixing accuracy of most hyperspectral remote sensing data
especially those with high feature correlation. However
the proposed algorithm has high computational complexity. In addition
the algorithm only considers the prior knowledge of abundance. Therefore
future work will focus on solving these problems.
hyperspectral unmixingnonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)Sinkhorn distanceentropy regularizationgraph regularization
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