Remote sensing retrieval based on machine learning algorithm: Uncertainty analysis
- Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages: 790-801(2023)
Published: 07 March 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221172
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Published: 07 March 2023 ,
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汪静平,吴小丹,马杜娟,闻建光,肖青.2023.基于机器学习的遥感反演:不确定性因素分析.遥感学报,27(3): 790-801
Wang J P,Wu X D,Ma D J,Wen J G and Xiao Q. 2023. Remote sensing retrieval based on machine learning algorithm: Uncertainty analysis. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(3):790-801
Remote sensing retrieval is one of the core issues of quantitative remote sensing. High-precision retrieval can improve the utilization efficiency of satellite data and promote the development of quantitative remote sensing. Machine learning algorithms have been increasingly used in remote sensing domains due to the outstanding advantages in dealing with complex and nonlinear problems. They can avoid the complicated processing and calculation in physical models
and minimize the uncertainty resulting from data preprocessing such as geometric correction
radiometric correction
and atmospheric correction. However
the utility of machine learning algorithms in retrieval needs to be viewed objectively. For instance
which machine learning algorithm is the most appropriate or which parameter configuration is optimal in order to obtain more accurate retrieval results. What we are concerned about most is which factors might influence the accuracy of retrievals. Hence
this paper systematically combs the current situation and principles of the application of machine learning algorithms in remote sensing retrieval with the focus on the main uncertainty factors in machine learning-based retrieval.
It was found that the number of relevant articles surged especially after 2018. Several mainstream algorithms including random forests
support vector machine
and artificial neural network have been widely used in remote sensing retrieval. And the retrievals of vegetation index
leaf area index
soil moisture
chlorophyll content
and biomass are the main research hotspots at present. MODIS and Sentinel datasets are the most widely used data. The process of machine learning-based retrieval can be summarized as the acquisition of training samples as well as the construction and application of the training model. The main factors causing the uncertainty of retrievals including the selection of machine learning models
the selection of auxiliary variables
the source and accuracy of the variable datasets
the selection of training samples
and the cross-regional and cross-area application of models were discussed in this paper. The findings are helpful in deepening the consciousness and understanding of the uncertainties of the retrieval results based on machine learning algorithms
which is necessary to select the most suitable algorithm and samples for improving the accuracy and reliability of the results.
it is important to note that there is a trade-off between the model accuracy and complexity for machine learning algorithms. Therefore
they may be not feasible in solving different remote sensing problems. Further retrieval based on machine learning models may be developed from the following four aspects: 1) Selecting more detailed information to fully capture the spatial heterogeneity of land surface and the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of parameters; 2) The training samples should be more representative to make the models more universal; 3) The scale mismatch between the
in situ
measurements and auxiliary variables extracted from satellite products should be fully taken into consideration to reduce the uncertainty caused by the scale effect; 4) The combination of physical models and machine learning algorithms can improve the representativeness of training samples
providing a new way for the construction of training samples.
machine learningretrievaluncertaintyquantitative remote sensingdeep learningliterature analysis
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