New framework for large-scale ecological quality evaluation and application research using remote sensing data
- Vol. 27, Issue 12, Pages: 2860-2872(2023)
Published: 07 December 2023
DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221186
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Published: 07 December 2023 ,
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高吉喜,万华伟,王永财,侯鹏,施佩荣,孙晨曦.2023.大尺度生态质量遥感评价方法构建及应用.遥感学报,27(12): 2860-2872
Gao J X,Wan H W,Wang Y C,Hou P,Shi P R and Sun C X. 2023. New framework for large-scale ecological quality evaluation and application research using remote sensing data. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 27(12):2860-2872
Ecosystem is the foundation of human survival and sustainable development. Ecological quality evaluation will provide a scientific basis for formulating policies aimed at ecological protection and restoration
which further promote the construction of an ecological civilization.
We constructed a remote sensing evaluation framework for ecological quality. This framework consists of “function-stability-stress” in three dimensions. Then
we used remote sensing data
such as vegetation parameters and land use
to monitor and evaluate the terrestrial ecological quality from 2000 to 2018.
The overall ecological quality of the country was in good condition in 2018
with approximately 36.98% of the ecological quality above average and only 4.33% indicating poor ecological quality. Fujian
and other provinces showed the best ecological quality. From 2000 to 2018
53.97% of the area ecological quality showed an improvement trend
and the improvement trend was more obvious after 2011. The ecological quality situation in some regions nationwide is still severe. These areas have low ecosystem function
poor ecosystem stability
and high ecosystem stress.
By summarizing the results of the national ecological quality assessment
we can observe that the ecological quality evaluation framework is scientific
and economically feasible. Thus
it can meet the requirements of a rapid assessment of regional or national ecosystem quality.
ecosystem quality assessmentremote sensingecosystem functionecosystem stabilityecosystem stress
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